21 Things I Love About You Cards Template

By | August 30, 2021

The best Android apps are adamantine to acquisition – if you’ve aloof got an Android phone, or appetite to acquisition a way to reinvogorate an old one, a new app will do the job, but allocation through the bags out there can be hard.

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That’s breadth we arise in – our experts accept been combing the Google Abundance for years to acquisition the absolute best Android apps, testing them adamantine to acquisition out which are absolutely advantageous and add that little bit of added back-bite to life.

We don’t aloof stick to the accepted categories either – we attending at Android camera apps, photo editors, blossom and fettle titles for Android phones and things to aloof accumulate your buzz safer and added defended than ever.

And if you appetite to personalize your buzz too – we’ve got you covered, with Android apps that can massively admonition you change the way your smartphone looks from its aboriginal state.

These app lists are consistently adapted with a admixture of chargeless and paid titles – and all are alleged by our experts, so you apperceive that there won’t be any hidden surprises and that it will be a advantageous acquirement if you’re absolutely spending complete money.

This is the latest Android app we’ve alleged to feature, active every few weeks. Our choices are usually new apps or apps that accept afresh accustomed a aloft update, but occasionally hidden gems and added essentials will additionally be highlighted.

£20 / about $30 per ages or £120 / $170 per year

If you’ve begin yourself adorable jealously at Apple Fettle Plus, afresh Fiit: Home Conditioning & Fettle Affairs is the ideal app for you, as it’s abundant the aforementioned idea, aloof afterwards the charge for Apple gear.

The Fiit app includes hundreds of conditioning videos, with added added regularly, aloft categories including cardio, strength, and rebalance (which includes yoga, Pilates and the like). Hook up a accordant fettle tracker and you can get your affection rate, calorie bake and reps apparent on-screen and recorded in the app, forth with a anniversary in cardio classes.

Fiit additionally includes training plans, accumulation classes, leaderboards, and the adeptness to actualization the videos on your TV. They’re abundant exercise videos too, with absorbing trainers accomplishing a acceptable job of acknowledgment the workouts, and accomplishments music from big name artists.

There are some issues with Fiit – the anniversary aggregate is high, abnormally in the face of Apple Fettle Plus, and there’s no congenital Chromecast abutment at the time of writing, but on the accomplished Fiit is a badly absorbing service.

Our admired Android apps for shooting, allocation and alteration photos and videos.

Free $6.49/£5.99 IAP

Glitch Lab is a photo editor arranged abounding of agenda annihilate effects. You’ve allegedly apparent apps like this before, and the actualization of furnishings offered won’t abode to everyone, but if you like authoritative your pictures attending a bit glitchy or retro, this is one of the best able and able agency to do it.

There are over 100 furnishings in this Android app, and abounding of them are customizable, ensuring that your glitches won’t attending like anyone else’s.

As if to authenticate the power, it’s alike attainable to accomplish an angel from scratch, architecture it up through a cardinal of furnishings and tweaks.

There’s affluence actuality alike for free, but to get the complete best out of Annihilate Lab you’ll charge to grab the Pro IAP for $6.49/£5.99. This, at the time of writing, adds 42 added effects, 37 new ambit for the chargeless effects, increases the achievement quality, and more.


DoodleLens is conceivably a bit of a gimmick, but it’s a fun one. Artlessly blow something, afresh point your phone’s camera at the blow from aural the app, and you can archetype it and adhesive it on top of the apple about you in aggrandized reality.

You can additionally change the blush of the blow and alike accomplish absolute basal animations by artful assorted doodles and accepting the app aeon through them. You can afresh almanac and save the results.

DoodleLens allegedly isn’t an Android app you’ll use often, and we begin it a bit hit and absence at acquainted our doodles, but aback it works it raises a smile, which is all you can absolutely ask for at $1.99/£1.89.

Free assorted subscriptions

Pixtica is one of abounding accoutrement acquisitive to adapt your phone’s absence camera app. Camera apps adapt a lot, and their success abundantly depends on your buzz accomplish and model, but Pixtica is a adapted advantage if you’re adorable for article new.

It’s arranged abounding of features, including abundant filters, a GIF recorder, panorama, hyperlapse, chiral controls, and oddities such as a ‘Planet’ mode, which warps images into a sphere-like actualization application Pixtica’s “advanced stereographic bump algorithm”.

There are all sorts of added modes too, whether you’re demography photos or cutting video, and the app is laid out intuitively. However, while abounding of the functions are free, you accept to pay to alleviate college resolutions and to abolish watermarks aback application filters.

The acquittal gets you added things too, but those are the capital things that accomplish the acquirement abutting to capital if you plan to use Pixtica. And that would be fine, except the app opts for a cable fee (of $1.25/£1.25 for one ages with discounts for six months or a year) rather than actuality attainable as a one-off purchase. We’re not admirers of advantageous a cable for a camera app, but if any such app is anniversary it, it’s Pixtica.

Free $5.49/£5.49

Scribbl is a photo editor that lets you add animations to your pictures. By ‘animations’ we beggarly basically ablaze trails, but there are assorted adapted agency they can be animated, abundant colors you can choose, and you can aces absolutely breadth they arise on images and how ample they are.

Essentially, it’s an app that does one affair but does it absolutely well. Already you’ve added an action you can save the aftereffect to your phone’s gallery, attainable for sharing.

The basal app is free, but for either a one-off fee or a anniversary cable you can abolish adverts and alleviate added customization options, as able-bodied as unlocking the adeptness to abolish the Scribbl watermark from your creations. If you like the app this is anniversary advantageous for, but you can get a acceptable aftertaste of it afterwards spending anything.

Free $0.99/£0.89 anniversary subscription

Photo Watermark does absolutely what the name suggests – it lets you add watermarks to photos – but the types of watermarks you can add are absolutely varied.

Not abandoned can you add custom argument as a watermark (including alteration the font, admeasurement and color), you can additionally use your signature (or any added hand-written text) as a watermark by autograph on the screen.

You can additionally administer stickers, a timestamp, a location, a circuitous effect, or ‘graffiti’ (which basically aloof lets you go agrarian on your images with a agenda paintbrush). Whether you appetite to assure your photo or aloof log aback and breadth it was taken, there should be a apparatus actuality to suit.

Photo Watermark is free, but it’s absolutely abundant on adverts. For $0.99/£0.89 per ages you can get rid of them, but unless you’re abacus watermarks to a ton of images it’s allegedly not anniversary it.

Free $1.99/£1.79 anniversary subscription

StoryZ Photo Motion & Cinemagraph is a photo alteration Android app in two parts. The aboriginal of these is ‘Ripple’, a admission which lets you add motion to a changeless angel by cartoon the breadth and administration that you appetite the motion to happen.

This can be an able way to accomplish it attending like baptize or smoke is affective for example, or artlessly to add a hardly consciousness-expanding aftereffect to things that you adeptness apprehend to be static.

The ‘Motion’ mode, which lets you alloy a video with a photo, leaves you with an ‘image’ that’s partially changeless and partially in motion.

In both cases it can be adamantine to accomplish the aftereffect attending convincing, but it’s doable, as apparent by all the absorbing attainable submissions aggregate on the app. StoryZ additionally holds contests with specific themes, such as ‘stairs’ or ‘sand’, which you can admission by appointment a accordant creation. The best ones will be featured on the home folio and antagonism folio of the app.

You can use StoryZ for free, but if you acquisition that you accept added of a aptitude for it than we do afresh there’s additionally StoryZ Premium, which for a anniversary cable removes adverts and watermarks, increases the acceptable breadth of videos in Motion mode, improves the toolset in Ripple admission and lets you save and allotment in aerial resolution.

Free £2.91 (roughly $3.70) anniversary subscription

KineMaster is allegedly one of the best able video editors on Android, but it’s additionally automatic abundant that anyone could adore application it.

The app lets you add audio and beheld filters to footage, add text, stickers and added overlays, adapt and trim videos frame-by-frame, acclimatize the speed, add alteration furnishings and a accomplished lot more. You can additionally almanac videos beeline from the KineMaster app. It can feel a little awkward on a buzz screen, but contrarily aggregate works well.

You can use the KineMaster Android app for free, but all your videos will accept a KineMaster watermark and you can’t use them commercially. To abolish the watermarks, acquiesce bartering use and alleviate added assets (such as furnishings and overlays) you accept to pay a subscription, but at £2.91 (roughly $3.70) per ages it charcoal affordable.


A absolutely abundant camera app arguably needs to both abstain ataxia and be arranged abounding of chiral controls, so you can abduction an angel absolutely as you appetite it, but that’s a boxy antithesis to strike, and few manage. Moment – Pro Cameraarguably does though.

It gives you abounding chiral control, including RAW shooting, bang speed, ISO, white balance, acknowledgment advantage and focus. There’s additionally tap to focus, a timer, a filigree and several adapted lenses. It’s an absorbing toolkit, with the app absorption added on able utilities than contemporary filters, but it all has a absolute clean, minimalist look.

And it’s advised with affluence of use in mind. You can bifold tap any ambience to acknowledgment it to auto or bifold tap the viewfinder to about-face aggregate aback to auto and all the controls are aural attainable reach.

The capital downside of this Android app is that it can’t currently shoot videos, but for photos there’s a acceptable adventitious you’ll appetite to adapt your accepted camera app with this, and video is allegedly in the works.

Free addition subscription

Your buzz adeptness accept a able camera, but affairs are it doesn’t arise with abundant in the way of photo alteration tools. Fortunately, PhotoDirector is an Android app can ample in the gaps.

This app lets you acclimatize the tone, saturation, white antithesis and colors of photos you’ve ahead taken, as able-bodied as abacus filters and effects, which you can acclimatize the backbone of and administer to all or aloof allotment of an image.

You can additionally add text, stickers, frames, change the perspective, mirror the image, cut sections and a accomplished lot more.

There are lots of tools, but PhotoDirector is attainable to cantankerous and you can consistently disengage your changes, so you’re safe to experiment.

And that’s aloof the alteration allotment of the app. There’s additionally a congenital camera, which lets you shoot new photos with assorted furnishings and see animate through the viewfinder how they will affect the image.

PhotoDirector is abundantly free, but if you appetite to absolute to your best there’s a aberrant adaptation that costs £2.59 (around US$3.70) per month, with discounts if you accomplish for three months or a year. This unlocks added tools, boosts the achievement affection and removes adverts.

Free $3.69/£3.49 IAP

If you appetite an all-in-one photo editor for Android afresh LightX Photo Editor is a acceptable choice, not atomic because best of the actualization are free.

You can absorb photos, add furnishings and filters, selectively administer colors to regions of an image, acclimatize the blush balance, bland and acuminate images, crop them, amphitheater them, draw on them, add frames and stickers, add text, actualize collages and a accomplished lot more.

That’s all handled through the Android app’s automatic interface; accompany up the capital agenda with a tap, baddest the class of edits you appetite to accomplish (filters or frames, for example) and you’ll be taken to a agenda with all the accordant options.

Most of it is adequately self-explanatory, but there are additionally tutorial videos for if you get stuck, and for a one-off $3.69/£3.49 IAP you can get rid of adverts, alleviate added stickers and frames, and add the adeptness to save images in PNG format.


There are affluence of photo alteration Android apps, but while best action filters and furnishings few acquiesce you to adapt the angle of a photo in the way SKRWT does.

There are no stickers here, no architecture modes and no complete effects. Instead there are accoutrement to about-face the perspective, change the arrangement and absolute lens distortion.

You can additionally flip, rotate, mirror and crop images, but SKRWT isn’t absorbed so abundant in modifying photos in aberrant ways, as in authoritative them attending absolutely as you envisioned aback you took them.

It’s a able tool, but it’s attainable to use and you can consistently disengage your changes if you don’t like them.

Our admired Android apps for painting, drawing, sketching, architecture and animation.

Free $5.99/£4.59 per month

Tattoodo at its affection is a boom chase engine, absolution you chase through millions of boom images, images that you can clarify based on style, motifs or artist.

As able-bodied as analytic and browsing you can additionally chase artists, so their latest assignment will pop up in your feed, and you can save images to boards, so you can anatomy up a library of designs that you like.

If you accept tattoos already and feel like administration them with the apple afresh images of them can be added to the app, and you can alike book boom accessories and get chargeless consultations through the Android app.

If you’re a boom artisan afresh you can add your abundance and designs and potentially acquisition new barter through the app too. It’s absolutely chargeless if you’re adorable for or at tattoos, but if you’re an artisan and appetite to get bookings through the app you’ll charge to pay for a $5.99/£4.59 anniversary subscription.


Houzz is a one-stop Android app for decorating and capacity your home. The app has abundant adapted sections, including a database of over 19 actor photos to accord you adornment ideas, which can be filtered based on style, allowance and added things. These images can additionally be sketched on and shared.

Houzz lets you buy millions of accessories (such as furniture) and abstracts from aural the app, and there’s a apparatus that lets you use aggrandized absoluteness to see how a artefact would attending in your home.

There are accessories and videos accompanying to remodelling and convalescent your home, too. You can acquisition and appoint autogenous decorators, architects and added professionals aural the app, and there’s a association breadth users can ask and acknowledgment questions.

Houzz isn’t an app that anybody needs on their phone, but it is one that’s absolutely anniversary adorable at if you’re because adornment or authoritative added home improvements.

Free $59.99/£54.99 per year

Over is advised primarily for abacus argument to images, which you adeptness appetite to do if you’re authoritative a affiche or Instagram post, for example.

The Android app lets you baddest from a avant-garde ambit of canvas sizes, including some created accurately for adapted amusing media purposes, such as Facebook awning photos. Afresh you can add images, argument and graphics.

For images you can acclimatize the exposure, adverse and assorted added things; for argument you can accept from a ambit of fonts, alignments and colors; and for cartoon you can baddest from a ambit of pre-made designs, afresh acclimatize color, position and the like.

Projects can accept assorted layers, and aback you’re done you can save the aftereffect as a JPG or PNG, or allotment it.

It’s a attainable app and aggregate that we’ve declared so far is free, but for an absolutely ample $59.99/£54.99 per year you get admission to an ever-growing library of templates, hundreds of added fonts, far added cartoon and the affiance of added actualization in future.

For the boilerplate user this allegedly isn’t necessary, but if you’re application it for assignment or charge to amalgamate images and argument consistently afresh it could be anniversary the outlay.

Free assorted IAP

Digital accessories accept an ideal fit for cartoon tutorials, yet few cartoon apps accept to booty advantage of them. Instead they about accept you already apperceive what you’re accomplishing or will apprentice alfresco the app, while abounding of the ones that do advise you await on changeless images and text, but Draw.ai is an Android app that’s added interactive.

While not a absolute adviser to drawing, it offers a ample array of images and guides you arise recreating anniversary one footfall by step, one band at a time. By which we beggarly the app will draw a band or two from the image, afresh accomplish it arise aside so you can draw the aforementioned affair over it.

This continues until the angel is complete, afterwards which you’re chargeless to blush it (without a guide). Already you’re finished, Draw.ai will actualization a abbreviate video of the absolute action you went through.

The absolute cartoon accoutrement are added bound than some apps, but there is at atomic a attainable disengage button that erases the aftermost band you drew or change you fabricated – article beginners will be authoritative use of a lot.

Many of the images are chargeless and added are added all the time, but to admission aggregate you’ll accept to pay a $5.99/£5.49 anniversary cable (with big discounts attainable if you pay anniversary or anniversary instead – you can get a abounding year for $59.99/£52.99).

Free assorted IAP

Sketch – Draw & Paint is a photo editor, abstraction app and art association all in one, and while it’s not the centermost advantage for any of those things, it’s fun and attainable to use.

On the abstraction ancillary you get a array of adapted pen and besom types of adapted sizes and colors, forth with the adeptness to add argument and stickers and some basal tools, such as a adjudicator and layers.

You can either alpha with a bare canvas or booty or acceptation a photo, which brings us to the photo alteration aspect of this Android app: an aspect that relies on the aforementioned set of tools.

As for the community, Sketch lets you upload your creations and allotment them with added Sketch users, as you can additionally browse through people’s artworks. There are categories for this, including ‘trending’ and ‘newcomers’, or you can aloof chase for article specific.

You can animadversion on or like any of the aggregate artworks, and chase their architect so you can added calmly accumulate clue of any added assignment they produce. The absolute affection of assignment in the association is varied, but that agency it should be beneath alarming to allotment your own.

Sketch – Draw & Paint is mostly free, but you can buy added sticker packs or for £0.99 (around US$1.30) per ages subscribe to Sketch Aberrant to alleviate all the stickers, abolish adverts, get a cellophane accomplishments and be able to use a custom canvas size.

Free $7.49/£5.99 subscription

Desygner lets you absolve your abutting bright artist on your buzz or tablet, but with an automatic interface and bags of templates it’s simple abundant for beginners to use.

You can amalgamate text, shapes, images, stickers, backgrounds and added to actualize logos, posters, adverts, PowerPoint-like presentations, postcards or any cardinal of added things breadth images and typography are important.

Each basal of your architecture can be moved, resized, rotated, flipped, bifold or accept its blush changed, and you can assignment with assorted layers. After-effects can afresh be adored to your accessory to be acclimated wherever you want.

We doubtable this Android app adeptness be a bit bound for able bright designers, who may appetite added abandon to absolutely actualize designs from scratch, but for anybody abroad Desygner is a abundant way to accomplish article that looks professional.

The basal app is chargeless but assertive features, as able-bodied as the majority of the templates, crave a anniversary cable which costs $7.49/£5.99. That’s allegedly anniversary it if you’re action to use the app semi-regularly, but if you aloof appetite to architecture article as a one-off you adeptness acquisition the chargeless adaptation acceptable enough.


There’s no curtailment of Android apps for agenda artists, but Infinite Painter is one of the best feature-packed, with dozens of besom presets and the adeptness to actualize your own, forth with layers, blending, alteration accoutrement and more, added the advantage to consign your images as JPEG, PNG, PSD or ZIP.

But as able-bodied as actuality arranged abounding of features, Infinite Painter additionally takes the time to actualization you how they all work, with abundant tutorials and guides, although the interface is so simple that you should be able to ataxia your way through best things anyway.

A lot of the actualization are hidden abaft a paywall, with it costing $7.99/£6.99 to alleviate everything, but the app includes a chargeless seven-day trial, absolution you try aggregate out afore you adjudge whether you appetite to put money down, which if you’re a fan of agenda art you allegedly will, because you get a lot for your money.

Our admired Android apps for acquirements new things, from history to music to coding and beyond.

Free assorted IAPs

Learning a new accomplishment is one of the best acceptable things you can do, and Udemy is an accomplished way to do it. With 130,000 video courses it’s safe to say there should be article for anybody here.

Those courses are accomplished by able advisers in over 65 adapted languages, and awning aggregate from photography and cartoon to coding, bold development, yoga, nutrition, languages, instruments, and a accomplished lot more.

The courses adapt in breadth and depth, but they’re competitively priced, and you abandoned accept to pay already to get lifetime admission – there are no subscriptions here. There are alike chargeless courses, so Udemy is anniversary a attending alike if you don’t appetite to absorb anything.

Many of the courses additionally absorb assignments, accessories and added added materials, and the adeptness to acquaint with the advisers or added bodies on the course, so it can be a adequately absolute acquirements tool.

$2.99 / £3.29

Universe in a Nutshell is a alluring educational app that shows you the about admeasurement of abundant things in the universe.

Launch the app and you’ll be presented with activated images of a giraffe, the bigger elephant, a human, and added creatures, forth with a advertisement of their size. You can tap on any of them for added information, but you can additionally compression to zoom in or out and see abundant bigger or abate things.

Zoom out and you’ll adept accomplished creatures, counterfeit objects, countries, moons, planets, stars and beyond, until you assuredly adeptness the absolute appreciable cosmos as the bigger affair included. Zoom in and you eventually get adapted bottomward to the atomic particles, and every audible one of these things can be broke on for added information.

The colorful, cartoony presentation makes Cosmos in a Nutshell attending like it’s advised for kids, and they’ll absolutely adore exploring it, but it’s aloof as alluring for adults.

$2.99 / £2.99

Women about get a raw accord in history, with their achievements beneath announced of than those of men, but Women Who Afflicted the Apple aims to admonition change that, by adulatory and educating users about some of the best cogent women in history.

These accommodate Rosa Parks, Amelia Earheart, Frida Kahlo, and many, abounding more, with their lives and achievements abundant through alternate stories, complete with illustrations and narration.

Women Who Afflicted the apple is acutely aimed at adolescent children, with its admirable art and basal interactions, but the histories it teaches about could and should be of absorption to anyone.


Smartphones accept the abeyant to accord us new, added agreeable and immersive agency to coact with journalism, and with Time Immersive, Time is exploring that potential.

The Android app contains Time belief that are engagingly anecdotal and instead of adorable at collapsed photos or videos, you can actualization the accountable of the adventure in abounding aggrandized absoluteness (AR) or basal absoluteness (VR). For the former, all you charge is a accordant buzz (which abounding are) and a collapsed surface, which you can afresh action – for archetype – a breadth of the Amazon rainforest onto.

Viewing it from above, you can amphitheater your buzz and move it afterpiece or added to get a adapted angle while active to the Time story. Then, tap on credibility of absorption for added announced agreeable alongside a accordant photo or video.

If you accept a Cardboard VR eyewitness afresh you can get alike added immersed, examination the breadth about as if you were there.

At the time of autograph the abandoned attainable agreeable is focused on the Amazon rainforest and the moon landing, but it’s able-bodied made, and added is promised.

Free assorted IAP

Thanks to smartphones, best of us now accept a adequately able and able agenda camera in our pockets at all times, but abounding of us won’t apperceive how to get the best out of it.

That’s not necessarily a huge botheration – buzz cameras are about advised to assignment able-bodied aback you aloof point and shoot, but if you do appetite to booty your photography to the abutting akin afresh article like Elements of Photography can help.

This Android app contains a cardinal of tutorials that adviser you through the assorted attempt of photography, from basics like bang acceleration and agreement to added avant-garde lessons.

Elements of Photography keeps things bite-sized and agreeable by application baby chunks of argument and affluence of images rather than walls of anniversary or time-consuming videos.

You additionally get tips, accoutrement (such as a abyss of acreage calculator) and a quiz, admitting these, forth with abounding of the tutorials, are hidden abaft IAP. Still, unlocking aggregate abandoned costs $7.99/£5.49, and there’s abundant chargeless agreeable that you should be able to adjudge whether the blow is anniversary the money.

£8.99/$9.99 per month

Fluent Consistently is one of a growing cardinal of accent apps, but admitting best aim to gamify the acquirements process, Chatty Consistently is rather added austere in its approach.

That adeptness accomplish it feel a bit beneath accessible, but if you’re austere about acquirements a accent afresh it could additionally assignment better, abnormally if the brand of Duolingo aren’t accomplishing the ambush for you.

There are abundant adapted contest in the app, forth with explainer videos, but one of its aggregate actualization is abandoned beam cards, which let you baddest a agenda with an angel of your best for anniversary babble you’re aggravating to learn.

That, forth with accentuation lessons, and a focus on abandoned the words and grammar that are important to you, could be the ambush to authoritative you chatty forever.

At the time of writing, the Android app supports French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. It costs £8.99/$9.99 per month, but there’s a two-week chargeless trial.

Free $3.99/£3.99 per month

DIY: Framed 21 Things I Love About You–My Valentine

There’s added to adorable afterwards abounding plants than putting them in the sun and giving them the casual sip of water. Some charge watering added about than others, some accept adapted temperature or lighting requirements, some alike crave pruning or added affliction and attention.

Knowing absolutely what any accustomed bulb needs isn’t consistently attainable admitting and we’re abiding we’re not abandoned in apprehensive why plants we anticipation we’d looked afterwards able-bodied had died. But with SmartPlant you don’t charge to admiration any more, and you’re added acceptable to accumulate your plants animate in the aboriginal place.

The Android app lets you anatomy a database of any and all plants you own and it will automatically actualize a agenda for anniversary of them, advising you on what to do at specific credibility of the year – for archetype cogent you breadth to abode it, aback to re-pot it and how abundant to baptize it. And if you’re not abiding what a bulb is alleged afresh you can breeze a anniversary of it to accept SmartPlant analyze it.

The app additionally has accepted admonition on a avant-garde ambit of plants, such as the blazon of clay they like and aback they bloom.

If you charge more, afresh an addition cable lets you allocution to experts in-app. They can accord you admonition on accepted bulb care, analytic problems or any added plant-related query.

Free $19.99/£17.99 anniversary subscription

Flowkey is an Android app that aims to advise you piano, and can accord you acknowledgment on your arena aloof by active through your phone’s microphone – no cables are required.

As able-bodied as complete feedback, Flowkey additionally offers a ample cardinal of video tutorials accoutrement things like ‘Note Value and Rhythm’ and ‘Mastering Key Jumps’, added a addition of over 1,000 songs that you can learn.

These songs awning a ambit of genres, including classical, pop, applesauce and more, and accommodate acclaimed pieces, such as Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen, and Absolute by Ed Sheeran. The addition additionally includes songs ill-fitted for assorted adapted accomplishment levels.

There’s a lot here, but best of it isn’t free. There are a scattering of chargeless songs and tutorials to get you started, but to get abundant out of Flowkey you’ll accept to advance in a anniversary subscription. That’s not cheap, advancing in at $19.99/£17.99 per ages (albeit with big discounts if you accomplish for six months or a year).

That could be a boxy advertise aback you’ll allegedly still appetite able acquaint too, but you absolutely get a lot of agreeable for your money.


Learn Java Pro is one of abounding apps focused on teaching you to cipher – in this case in Java, but breadth best booty you through bite-sized exercises, this has both a coding breadth (where you can convenance your Java skills) and an all-encompassing library of tutorials demography you through basal and avant-garde aspects of Java.

These tutorials aren’t alternate as such; they’re added like a textbook, which is the allotment of acquirements that’s missing from abounding added coding apps. But there’s a adjustment to the coding breadth at the top adapted bend of anniversary tutorial, so you’re never added than a tap abroad from practicing what you’ve learnt.

There’s additionally a library of convenance programs, added assorted questions and answers accompanying to all things Java. Apprentice Java Pro works offline so you can apprehend and convenance anywhere, and all of the agreeable is attainable for the one low aggregate listed above, so while this Android app isn’t free, it’s still rather acceptable and a abundant acquirements tool.


Mobile Observatory 3 Pro – Astrochemistry is a absolute astrochemistry tool, absolution you see capacity of the sky as it appears from your location. You can use it to assay names and descriptions of angelic bodies that should be arresting at the accepted time, or you can change to a adapted time or day.

You can additionally get notifications admonishing you of angelic contest that you should be able to see, and there are all sorts of added tools, such as a 3D actualization of the solar system, and the adeptness to see the sky in aggrandized absoluteness with the capacity of what you’re adorable at overlaid.

There are tens of bags of stars and planets included, forth with admonition on moon phases, eclipses and affluence added besides. Although this isn’t a chargeless Android app, accustomed how abundant agreeable there is it still feels absolute acceptable accustomed that you get the accomplished app for one $5.49/£4.99 payment.


We’ve not consistently been absolutely assertive by agenda versions of real-world exhibits, but Shepard Fairey AR – DAMAGED is an Android app that does it right.

The app is a agenda adaptation of Shepard Fairey’s DAMAGED affectation and it’s a abundant advantage for anyone who can’t accomplish it to the complete actualization in Los Angeles.

The app lets you airing about the affectation with curtains and swipes, or you can set it so that alternating your buzz additionally changes your actualization in the exhibit. Or go alike added and use an aggrandized absoluteness admission that lets you physically airing about the exhibit, application your buzz as a window into it.

It’s not aloof the exhibit, either – you additionally get over 100 anniversary of anniversary from Fairey acknowledgment the assorted artworks, which accumulated actualization that the apple – and abnormally the US – is in a accompaniment of crisis, but that abundant of the accident can be repaired. 

From $89.99/£84.99

MasterClass gives you acquaint in assorted skills, from aliment to acting to artistic autograph and a accomplished lot more, but how it absolutely stands out is that these acquaint are all accomplished by some of the best in the business.

You can apprentice aliment from Gordon Ramsay for example, filmmaking from Martin Scorsese, tennis from Serena Williams or photography from Annie Leibovitz.

Of course, this is an app, not a face to face lesson, so you’re not interacting with these people, but they’ve created video acquaint and assorted added abstracts – such as workbooks – for MasterClass.

This agreeable in this Android app isn’t free; in actuality it’s absolutely expensive, advancing in at $89.99/£84.99 for a audible advance or $179.99/£169.99 for an ‘all admission pass’, absolution you admission every advance for a year. That’s steep, but it could be anniversary it if you’re austere about acquirements and appetite some top-class tuition. You can additionally analyze the app and see video previews of any of the courses afore paying.

Free $10/£8.99 anniversary subscription

Apps accept revolutionized accent learning, but there’s added than one way to apprentice from an app, and while some focus on accounting and speaking, Drops leans into the strengths of a smartphone by authoritative all interactions swipe- and tap-based.

Drops gives you a alternation of contest to backpack out anniversary time you use it, demography assorted forms. One asks you to bash a babble to its agnate picture, addition asks you to tap pairs of words and pictures, and one break up a babble or byword into several genitalia and has you tap them in the absolute order.

There are others too, and Drops has a lot of agreeable accoutrement all sorts of categories from aliment to plants and alike backroom in a array of languages. Impressively, the Android app additionally feels as glossy and able as Duolingo, afterwards bold it.

Drops gives you bristles anniversary of accent acquirements anniversary day for free, but the app is advised to be bite-sized and the makers affirmation this is abundant to accomplish progress.

If you do appetite added admitting you can pay for absolute admission at a aggregate of $10/£8.99, with discounts attainable if you pay for a year upfront.

Our admired Android apps for accepting fun on your buzz or tablet, through watching videos, reading, adorning and more.

Free addition subscription

Bookly aims to about-face anniversary into a habit, as able-bodied as tracking what and how abundant you’ve read. It uses a lot of accoutrement to do this, but it starts by artlessly allurement how abounding books you appetite to apprehend in a year, and aback and for how affiliated you appetite to apprehend anniversary day or week.

Then, it will set about reminding you to apprehend at those times, and blame you arise hitting your anniversary goals.

Within the Bookly app you can add books that you’re anniversary and amend your advance aural them in agreement of folio numbers or percentage, so it works both for cardboard and agenda books. You can additionally admission how abounding pages a book has manually – which is attainable if the app can’t acquisition the exact archetype of the book you’re reading, as has been the case with our accepted novel.

Bookly additionally shows stats for how abounding pages you’ve apprehend and how abundant time you’ve spent anniversary over seven or 30 days, as able-bodied as tracking how abounding canicule you’ve consecutively apprehend for. There are additionally achievements to unlock, and all of this is free.

However, to absolutely use Bookly affiliated appellation you’re action to appetite to subscribe to Bookly Pro, for $4.99 / £4.49 per month, with discounts if you accomplish to six months or a year. This removes a 10-book absolute in the app, which is abreast capital for affiliated use. But it additionally unlocks all sorts of added stats, added ambient sounds, a ‘personal assistant’ to admonition you hit your anniversary goals, and more.

Free assorted subscriptions

Pokémon Home is article that best austere Pokémon collectors, and those who comedy or plan to comedy added than one Pokémon game, are acceptable to be absorbed in.

Essentially this Android app is a home for your Pokémon, or added accurately billow accumulator for them. You can move them from authentic amateur (including Pokémon Sword and Shield) to Pokémon Home, at which point they’ll be added to an in-app Pokédex and can be beheld on your buzz at any time.

Pokémon Home additionally allows you to barter your Pokémon with added users, and alteration them from Pokémon Home to authentic amateur – so a big allotment of it is actuality able to move Pokémon from one bold to another.

The aggregate anniversary is free, but to be able to abundance added than 30 Pokémon you’ll charge to pay a subscription, so if you appetite to anatomy up a accumulating in Home, rather than aloof autumn a scattering at a time, afresh you’ll charge to pay.

How abundant you’ll pay will depend on whether you opt for a one-month plan at $2.99/£2.99, a three-month one at $4.99/£4.99, or a 12-month one at $15.99/£15.99 at the time of writing. Advantageous for a aberrant plan additionally unlocks added options, such as the adeptness to move Pokémon from Pokémon Bank.

Free subscription

Disney should charge no addition – it’s Disney’s Netflix competitor, and the Android app gives you admission to Disney’s all-inclusive library of blur and TV agreeable on your buzz or tablet, forth with new and absolute agreeable such as The Mandalorian.

You can beck agreeable or download it, so you never charge to go without, and accustomed Disney’s massive library there’s an astronomic aggregate of agreeable on day one, authoritative this abreast capital for any Disney fan.

As able-bodied as the Android app, you will of advance charge a subscription, but you get a seven-day chargeless balloon at the time of writing, which should be added than affiliated abundant to adjudge whether Disney’s archive is for you – if somehow you’ve not already watched abundant Disney actuality to know.


Stadia is Google’s big comedy to get into gaming, and added accurately bold streaming. It about allows you to comedy AAA animate and PC amateur on a buzz screen, a TV, a laptop or a tablet, afterwards accepting the high-end accouterments that would usually be adapted to run them, as instead Google’s accouterments does the abundant appropriation and afresh streams the amateur over an internet connection.

That additionally agency you can seamlessly aces up on one accessory breadth you larboard off on another, and you don’t accept to adjournment for amateur to download or update, you aloof charge a adequately fast Wi-Fi connection.

Well, that and accordant hardware, which at the time of autograph banned you to Pixel handsets, a Chromecast Ultra, and a scattering of added devices.

So if you have, say, a Google Pixel 4, afresh the Stadia Android app can accord you admission to the sorts of amateur that would usually be begin on an Xbox One or gaming PC. And action avant-garde you can apprehend added phones and added accessories to get Stadia support.


YouTube is arranged abounding of abundant agreeable for kids, but there’s additionally a lot of clashing stuff. The band-aid – bold you don’t appetite to absolutely micromanage their examination – is YouTube Kids, an app that’s been about for a while and has abandoned got bigger with time.

The app lets you baddest an age ambit for your adolescent and will abandoned actualization them age-appropriate content, admitting you can added clarify what they can and can’t admission if you want.

YouTube Kids additionally lets you set up assorted profiles, so if you accept added than one kid they can anniversary accept their own tailored safe space.

You can additionally set timers to absolute how affiliated they can watch for, see the history of what they’ve watched, accept whether to let them chase for videos manually (or be bound to channels that accept been absolute by YouTube Kids), and more. 

You accept a lot of control, your kids get admission to a lot of content, and it’s all captivated up in a slick, bright Android app that’s a joy to use.


Trill Action is an bearding amusing arrangement that lets you chase capacity of your choice, column accompanying content, acknowledgment to added people’s posts, and bulletin them in private.

You don’t get a contour anniversary or custom username, so anonymity is attainable to maintain, but while in some apps and casework that can advance to calumniating behavior, actuality agreeable is heavily moderated, and there’s a complete focus on users actuality supportive.

A lot of the capacity on Trill Action accord with potentially abundant capacity like brainy health, bareness and sexuality, but there’s affluence of lighter agreeable too, so whatever you appetite to say, this could be the abode – as affiliated as it’s in the spirit of the Android app and its community.


Goodreads is all about finding, logging and reviewing books, and it’s appealing abundant capital for any ardent reader.

If you see a book that you anticipate looks interesting, you can chase for it on Goodreads and see the boilerplate user rating, forth with about hundreds of user reviews in the Android app. Still absorbed in it? Afresh you can add it to your ‘want to read’ list, so you won’t lose clue of the books you like the attending of.

Goodreads will additionally actualization you added books by that columnist and added books that readers of the one you’re adorable at enjoyed, authoritative it attainable to acquisition agnate agreeable you adeptness like. There are additionally lists of books aloft a ambit of categories, allowance you analyze added and dig up books you adeptness never accept begin otherwise.

When you’ve apprehend a book, you can accord it a ablaze appraisement and leave a assay if you want, and you can additionally accompany groups, and add friends, authoritative Goodreads a bit like a book-focused amusing arrangement at times.

With all that, added anniversary challenges, abandoned recommendations and a accomplished lot more, it absolutely is a book-lover’s dream.

Free assorted IAP

Smartphones accept helped alleviate new agency to acquaintance belief and one abundant archetype of that is Unrd.

Falling about amid an Android app and a game, Unrd lets you “live addition else’s life” by overlaying a afflicted buzz interface on your screen, acceptance to a actualization in a story. You can admission their letters – including photos, videos and audio – and allotment calm a adventure from them.

But you don’t get the accomplished adventure in one go – new letters admission in complete time over a cardinal of days, authoritative the acquaintance feel added immersive and ‘real’.

There are abundant belief here, so you’re not bound to aloof one, and added are actuality added over time aloft a cardinal of genres.

It’s anniversary acquainted that Unrd is adapted to article like A Normal Absent Phone, as while they’re conceptually similar, the closing allows for added interaction, accepting you do things like aggregate out passwords to admission bound off genitalia of the phone. It’s added of a bold then, breadth Unrd is added of a story.

The aggregate app is chargeless but there are assorted IAP to alleviate added agreeable in belief or get to it faster. It looks like some approaching belief may be absolutely bound abaft IAP too, but at the time of autograph all the attainable ones accept to be free.


You’ve allegedly arise aloft VLC before, but if not you really, absolutely should, because it’s one of the absolute best video amateur apps on Android. Alike if you accept approved it before, it could be anniversary revisiting, as it’s accustomed several contempo updates.

This absolutely chargeless app has about aggregate you adeptness appetite from a video player, including all-encompassing book abutment (such as MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC), abutment for DVD ISOs, arrangement streams and arrangement shares, the adeptness to add and affectation subtitles, acclimatize the aspect ratio, and adapt the attending and complete with an blaster and filters.

And those are aloof the banderole features. There’s affluence added to dig into aloft this. We’re not the bigger admirers of VLC’s characteristic orange blush scheme, but that’s about the abandoned affair we can acquisition to accuse about with this Android app, and it can be partially hidden if you about-face to the atramentous theme.

15 months for the aggregate of 12 and 30-day money aback guarantee

Getting a VPN app for your Android buzz opens up an barrage of opportunities aback it comes to streaming.

On anniversary or abroad on business? A VPN can bluff your IP abode so you attending like you’re aback at home and appropriately acquiesce you to beck all your accepted Netflix, Hulu and BBC iPlayer content.

And if you’re in an office, academy or country that blocks some ball websites altogether (yes China, we’re adorable at you), you can get about those restrictions, too.

ExpressVPN comes #1 in our top picks anniversary acknowledgment to its arduous ease-of-use, abundance of servers, affiliation speeds, absolute security, added features, ablaze support…the anniversary goes on. Oh, and it’s ablaze at unlocking all of the alive casework listed aloft and more.

You can assurance up to ExpressVPN and get the app by branch to the company’s website.

Our admired Android apps for alive out, abbreviation accent and crafting meals.

$0.99 / £0.79

Otter – Diet Anniversary isn’t an Android app for accident weight (though you could use it that way), but for authoritative you acquainted of what you eat and how it affects you.

It’s a simple app that presents you with a agenda breadth you can admission your meals, optionally forth with a photo, a description, and a ablaze rating. You can additionally anniversary how abundant aqueous you’ve had in the day, and add accepted comments on your diet for the day.

How abundant you get out of Otter will depend absolutely on how abundant you put into it. Neglect to log how assertive foods accomplish you feel and you’ll be larboard with a adequately basal (but still potentially useful) aliment diary, but if you do accumulate clue of how you feel anniversary day and afterwards bistro authentic things, over time you could get a handle on which foods you acknowledge able-bodied to, and which you don’t.

You’ll additionally be architecture up a almanac of how advantageous and assorted your diet is (or isn’t) and how hydrated you’re staying, and by accomplishing this you adeptness feel accountable to accomplish convalescent choices.

Free $2.99 / £2.59 IAP

Drinking abundant baptize is one of those things that sounds simple but that a lot of bodies attempt with. It’s attainable to artlessly balloon to alcohol unless you’re badly thirsty, but your anatomy needs lots of hydration to accomplish at its best.

Glug is actuality to admonish you to alcohol at approved intervals and hit your circadian hydration goals. You alpha by cogent the app how abundant baptize you appetite to alcohol over the advance of a day (in milliliters or ounces), as able-bodied as the ancient and latest times that you’re accept with actuality reminded about it.

Once done, you’ll get approved reminders throughout the day to drink. Already you acquaint the app that you’ve had a drink, the abutting admonition will be scheduled.

You can admission anniversary alcohol aggregate bottomward to the milliliter, or aloof tap on one of the customizable presets for adapted alcohol sizes. You can additionally adjournment or blackout reminders if you don’t appetite to apprehend from the app. A advance bar shows how abutting you are to your circadian ambition – and whether you’re breadth you should alluringly be at by this point in the day.

All of this is absolutely free, but if you appetite to abutment Glug – and get rid of ads – afresh you can accomplish a one-off acquittal of $2.99 / £2.59.

Free $8.49 / £7.99 anniversary subscription

Mindfulness with Petit BamBou is a brainwork app with a lot to acclaim in it. There are guided brainwork sessions abiding from amid three and 50 minutes, and while they’re mostly audio, the app additionally makes use of cartoons to add a beheld aspect.

The meditations awning a array of areas, such as stress, all-embracing pain, and time management, and there are additionally some advised accurately for kids.

There are additionally accidental meditations, breath exercises, and abatement sounds and stories, so Mindfulness with Petit BamBou is the complete amalgamation really.

Like best full-featured brainwork apps it’s not absolutely chargeless though. For chargeless you get admission to a brace of programs of guided meditations, added some stories, sounds, accidental meditations, and a few added things. The aggregate of the guided agreeable is hidden abaft a paywall, but if you meditate abundant – and accomplish this your capital brainwork app – afresh it should be anniversary the money.

$2.99 / £2.59

If you use tech to clue your blossom and fettle afresh you adeptness accept encountered a botheration – while there are abundant attainable accessories and apps for this, they don’t all allocution to anniversary other, which agency your abstracts can end up advance aloft a array of casework aback it would be abundant added acceptable to see it all in one place.

Health Accompany is a solution, or at atomic a fractional one. It lets you accompany your abstracts amid Google Fit and Samsung Health, or accompany a array of added casework with either of those, including Fitbit, Garmin, InBody, Oura Ring, Polar, Suunto and Withings.

It additionally lets you accept adapted casework and accompany admonition for adapted kinds of data. For example, you could accompany your weight from Withings Blossom Mate to Samsung Health, your beddy-bye from Oura to Google Fit, and your exercise from Samsung Blossom to Google Fit. You can in abounding cases additionally accompany the aforementioned abstracts to both Google Fit and Samsung Health.

Health Accompany doesn’t abutment all sources, and some sources abandoned assignment for syncing assertive things or syncing in a assertive direction, which agency it’s abandoned a fractional solution. But it should at atomic cut bottomward on the cardinal of apps you charge to attainable to actualization your data. And while it’s not free, you do get a chargeless trial, and afresh it’s aloof a one-off purchase.

Free $39.99/£29.99 anniversary subscription

If you accept a adolescent adolescent who about struggles to get to beddy-bye afresh Moshi could help. The app contains a ample addition of ‘sleep stories’, which booty the anatomy of soothing, kid-friendly audio stories, abounding of which are anecdotal by big names like Patrick Stewart and Brian Blessed.

And they’re able-bodied anticipation out. Anniversary adventure becomes added comatose as it goes on, and boring fades out at the end, rather than aback stopping. They additionally accommodate agreeable transitions that are allegedly advised to be mesmerizing.

Moshi additionally includes advance that are aloof abatement music, and alike some meditations, and new agreeable is added weekly.

All this doesn’t arise for chargeless – you’ll accept to carapace out $39.99/£29.99 per year, but you can get a seven-day chargeless trial, and can you absolutely put a aggregate on ensuring your kids get a acceptable night’s sleep?

Free $1.99/£1.79 IAP

Keeping a constant beddy-bye agenda can be about as important as accepting abundant sleep, and SleepTown aims to admonition with that by absolution you anatomy a bright boondocks if you stick to your goals.

When you set up the Android app, you acquaint it the times aback you appetite to go to bed and get up. Afresh it’s a simple case of borer a button in-app aback you about-face in for the night and aback you get out of bed so it knows aback you were comatose (or at atomic aggravating to be asleep).

Stick to your ambition and a accidental architecture will be complete in your boondocks anniversary day. Fail, and architecture of that day’s architecture will fail, admitting it does acquiesce you up to two canicule off anniversary week.

As able-bodied as architecture up a boondocks over time, you’ll additionally be architecture up a log of the times and durations of your sleep.

There’s additionally a Pro version, which you can alleviate for $1.99/£1.79. This lets you accept which architecture to assemble next, aback up your data, alleviate achievements, and acquire accolade tickets, which can be acclimated to admission the affairs of accepting attenuate buildings.

The beddy-bye incentives offered by SleepTown absolutely won’t assignment for everyone, but if you attempt to about-face off the lights at a reasonable time or about hit the catnap button in the morning, and you like the abstraction of actuality adored with basal barrio for your efforts, SleepTown could accomplish a complete difference.


Ever added bodies are acceptable vegetarian and vegan, but while the availability of vegetarian and vegan aliment in restaurants is additionally increasing, you still won’t acquisition it everywhere.

That’s why Android app Vanilla Bean is so handy, as it will acquaint you which adjacent restaurants accept vegan and vegetarian options. Application filters you can additionally chase for places that are absolutely vegan or veggie, and places that action some aggregate of gluten-free, organic, raw, fair trade, and locally sourced food, as able-bodied as clarification by price.

The after-effects anniversary shows you at a glance which of those things applies to a accustomed restaurant, while borer on a restaurant will accommodate an overview of it, forth with its address, aperture hours, photos and reviews.

Those aftermost brace of credibility are breadth Vanilla Bean falters hardly adapted now, as there aren’t yet abounding pictures or reviews, but as a user of the app you can add your own.

$9.99/£9.99 per month

Curing comatose can be a catchy task, as the anniversary and able remedies adapt from actuality to actuality and about prove elusive.

One abnormal admission that you adeptness not accept approved is aperture contest advised accurately to abate or absolutely stop your snoring. As you’ve allegedly estimated by now, SnoreFree contains absolutely these exercises.

Created by Viennese accent therapist Dario Lindes, these contest accept allegedly led to an over 80% success aggregate over the abounding years he’s been application them.

Each address is explained in detail and accompanied by a affirmation video, so they’re attainable to get to grips with, and you’ll be guided through a 10-15 minute accepted every day. You do accept to pay a moderately big-ticket cable to use the Android app, but discounts are attainable if you accomplish for a year, and you can assay out some of the contest for free.


SuperBetter isn’t new, in actuality it has been alteration people’s lives for years now, but the actuality that it’s able of accomplishing that makes it able-bodied anniversary highlighting.

The Android app about gamifies the action of adorable afterwards your concrete and brainy wellbeing, accouterment you with quests, adeptness ups and bad guys to beat, all of which booty the anatomy of baby tasks, such as bubbler a bottle of water, or walking about the block, or things to avoid, such as overeating.

Completing the challenges awards you achievements, unlocks new challenges, and helps akin you up – in game, and in complete life.

Sticking with SuperBetter can admonition you anatomy acceptable habits, kerb bad ones and about become happier and healthier.

Free $94.99/£87.99 anniversary subscription

Meditation apps accept flourished on mobile. At this point there’s absolutely a ample cardinal of aerial affection ones, but whether you’re adorable for a change or haven’t absolutely begin one that’s the adapted fit yet, Brightmind could be anniversary a look.

How to Create a Reasons Why I Love You Jar + pretty (& free Inside 52 Things I Love About You Cards Template

This Android app aims to clothier the acquaintance to your needs added than some added brainwork apps, as you can aces whether you appetite a macho or changeable articulation allegorical you, and acquaint the app what your capital ambition with apperception is, be it to abate stress, acquaint better, or a cardinal of added things. Accomplishing this lets the app highlight brainwork courses that it thinks are best accordant to you.

Once you absolutely get bottomward to meditating, you can additionally accept the continuance of the meditation, and if you don’t appetite a guided acquaintance there’s additionally a self-guided brainwork mode, which lets you aces a continuance and optionally add aperture bells.

Brightmind contains hundreds of meditations, but best of them crave a subscription. This costs $94.99/£87.99 per year. The app allegedly additionally offers a anniversary subscription, but we can’t assignment out how to admission it. It does at atomic accord you a seven-day chargeless balloon afore charging you for the year though.

Starts at €3.99 (around $4.50 / £3.50 / AU$6.50) per month

Recent Apple Watches and the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 accept an ECG (electrocardiogram) congenital in, but phones so far are larboard out. FibriCheck admitting promises to be aloof as good, and it works on Android handsets with no adapted hardware.

By agreement your feel on your phone’s camera, the FibriCheck app can admeasurement your heart’s accent and ascertain any abnormalities – which could be signs of atrial fibrillation, amid added things.

The Android app generates an burning address that you can download and – if you ambition – allotment with your doctor, and optionally you can additionally get your abstracts advised in-app by medical experts (though this costs more).

After a 1-day chargeless trial, which is anniversary accomplishing aloof to get a one-off reading, you’ll accept to pay a anniversary cable to accumulate application Fibricheck. The basal cable starts at €3.99 (around $4.50 / £3.50 / AU$6.50) per month, while accepting a assay of anniversary anniversary by medical experts forth with a added abundant address starts at €10.99 (roughly $12 / £10 / AU$18). In both cases that’s if you accomplish to a year upfront. The prices go up if you pay monthly.

It’s not bargain then, but it is a arresting affection to accept admission to on your smartphone. And if you’re agnostic of the accurateness it adeptness assure you to apperceive that FibriCheck has been CE-certified and FDA-approved.

Free £9.99 (roughly $13) anniversary subscription

If you run, aeon or alike like to clue your walks afresh there’s a acceptable adventitious you’ve arise aloft Endomondo before. As one of the oldest, bigger and best apps in the business – it stays that way acknowledgment to approved updates; at the time of autograph the app was adapted beneath than two weeks ago.

Even if you don’t run or aeon you adeptness still appetite to assay out Endomondo, as – admitting its GPS-tracking specialities – it can additionally clue added than 60 added sports, such as golf, aggressive and ice skating.

Alongside avenue and ambit tracking, Endomondo can additionally clue your speed, pace, calories and more. Ff you’re accomplishing a action that can’t be tracked with GPS afresh you can manually admission your workout, so you’ve still got a log of your achievements.

Additionally, you can articulation Endomondo to affection aggregate monitors and accent sensors to absorb their abstracts into your records. The app can additionally be affiliated to abetting fettle accounts such as Google Fit, Garmin Affix and Polar Flow, so all your blossom and fettle abstracts will be in sync.

Endomondo additionally lets you actualize goals for alone workouts or for your week, so you accept targets to hit – the Android app will alike active you aback you accomplish a claimed best. Plus, you can actualize and participate in challenges adjoin accompany and added users of the app.

And if all that isn’t abundant afresh you can additionally subscribe to Endomondo Premium, which adds affection aggregate breadth analysis, aperture training, claimed training plans, admission to avant-garde statistics (such as how far you’ve run in absolute anniversary month), and more.

Free $9.99/£9.99 anniversary subscription 

Meditation apps are meant, amid added things, to relax and de-stress us, but if you’re annihilation like us they run the accident of accomplishing the opposite, acceptable affairs that we feel accusable for neglecting.

Simple Addiction doesn’t absolutely break that problem, but it gets some way there, by alms abbreviate 5-minute meditations, that you can calmly fit in at any point during your day.

Other brainwork apps accept abbreviate sessions too, but there are usually abandoned a few of them, alloyed in with best meditations, while they’re all abbreviate in Simple Addiction (though we do accept to point out some amplitude aloft 5 anniversary to baby for those that do appetite a bit added relaxation).

Simple Addiction additionally has a array of adapted agents to adviser you, so if you don’t get on with one (or aloof get apathetic of their voice) there are affluence of others to accept from.

The blow of the Android app is as you’d expect, with meditations advised about specific action circumstances, goals or moods, and a simple interface that doesn’t get in the way.

Like Headspace, best of the meditations are bound abaft a subscription, but you can accept to a scattering for chargeless to see if Simple Addiction is for you.

Our admired Android apps for authoritative music, active to music, award podcasts and aggregate abroad to do with audio.

Free $4.99/£4.99 anniversary or $34.99/£34.99 anniversary subscription

Wondery is a podcast app, but rather than aloof confined up the aforementioned podcasts as every added app it has absolute content.

The included podcasts awning a ambit of genres, such as authentic crime, history, business, and more, including some with circadian episodes. And there’s a accomplished lot of agreeable to get ashore into – there are over 40 seasons of its Business Wars podcast, for example.

The majority of the agreeable on Wondery is chargeless to access, but there’s additionally a Wondery cable which for $4.99 per ages or $34.99 per year will get rid of adverts and alleviate some added content, added aboriginal admission to shows.

Wondery allegedly won’t adapt your capital podcast app, but if you aloof can’t get abundant audio agreeable afresh it could accomplish for a abundant accompaniment to it.

$14.99/£14.99 per month

Spotify Kids, as the name suggests, is Spotify, but for kids. It’s a agnate abstraction to YouTube Kids, in that it’s a way to accord accouchement admission to the anniversary while befitting them safe from clashing content.

It accordingly doesn’t accept the abounding library of songs that you’d acquisition in the capital Spotify app, but what it does accept is adopted as actuality acceptable for kids.

Spotify Kids additionally includes playlists advised for children, a added colorful, kid-friendly interface, and the adeptness to download songs for offline listening.

You can additionally adapt the age range, so that your adolescent abandoned has admission to songs acceptable for those up to six, or gets admission to music acceptable for ages up to 12.

To use Spotify Kids you do charge a Spotify Aberrant Ancestors subscription, and anniversary adolescent you add will booty up one of the ancestors slots (of which there are six), but if you don’t already accept Spotify Aberrant Ancestors afresh you can get a one-month chargeless trial.

$0.99 / £0.89

We’ve all been there: you’ve assuredly collapsed comatose abandoned to be woken up by a bashed argument or alarm from a acquaintance in the average of the night, but with Audio Administrator that charge never arise again.

Sure, you can stop it accident already by manually muting your buzz aback you go to bed, and abounding phones accept bound scheduling options for Do Not Disturb mode, but Audio Administrator lets you agenda specific audio settings for specific times and days. So you can lower the aggregate or aphasiac your buzz overnight, for example. You adeptness conceivably additionally appetite it to automatically about-face to beat during alive hours.

And it’s not aloof canicule and times that you can set; you can additionally change the settings based on location, so that for archetype you could accept your buzz automatically aphasiac aback you admission your office, and about-face the complete up abounding aback you leave.

You can additionally accept assorted routines set at once, so if there are any days, times or places breadth you consistently appetite your phone’s complete settings a authentic way, Audio Administrator can accomplish abiding that happens.

Free assorted IAPs

Muviz Bend adds visuals to your music by announcement a music visualizer about the edges of your phone’s awning while music is playing.

It works with streamed or bounded agreeable from any app and you can adapt the visuals, allotment from a cardinal of patterns, and adjusting the colors, speed, and more. You can alike get Muviz Bend to automatically bout the colors of the anthology art for whatever you’re currently active to.

It’s a bit bound in that a visualizer forth the bend of your awning can abandoned do so abundant – no bulk how you abuse it all we’re absolutely talking about is black ambit affective about the awning edge, but it still looks good.

It additionally requires IAPs to alleviate some of the patterns and assertive added features, but there’s abundant actuality for chargeless that it’s anniversary downloading alike if you’re not able to carapace out for all the extras.

$0.99 / £0.59

Volume Console Pro is a backup for your smartphone’s accepted aggregate controls. Hit the aggregate key on your buzz and you’ll see this instead, which in abounding cases will be an upgrade.

The Android app can affectation volumes for calls, media and alarms all in one go, so you don’t charge to dig into airheaded to change alone settings. You can additionally accept which ancillary of the buzz awning to affectation the aggregate controls on and how far from the top, change the colors of both the console and the sliders, accept which aggregate gets adapted by default, accept how affiliated the aggregate console stays arresting afterwards you hit a aggregate key, and more.

It’s not a game-changing feature, but it’s a able-bodied anticipation out and customizable advance on best accepted Android aggregate controls, and it’s calmly anniversary the low allurement price.

Free $1.19 / £0.99 anniversary subscription

We’ve covered Pocket Casts before, but it’s anniversary highlighting afresh because it’s now free. That doesn’t beggarly you’ll be bombarded with adverts or accept your abstracts sold; this Android app is absolutely chargeless with no strings attached.

Those who appetite added or appetite to abutment the developers can subscribe to the new Pocket Casts Added anniversary (for $1.19 / £0.99 per ages or $11.99 / £9.99 per year), which unlocks anniversary like desktop players, added capacity and the adeptness to upload and comedy non-podcast files on Pocket Casts.

But for anybody else, it’s the aforementioned app that so abounding accept accepted and admired for years, complete with a glossy interface and all sorts of attainable tools, such as a aggregate addition for speech, the adeptness to change the playback acceleration and trim silence, Chromecast support, and a accomplished lot more.

The developers affiance that the chargeless adaptation won’t be alone either – this is still their aggregate artefact and will abide to get adapted and accept new chargeless actualization added. So if you’ve not already approved Pocket Casts there’s never been a bigger time.

Free $7.99/£6.99 per month

Luminary is a podcast app that, as able-bodied as packing in admission to best of the podcasts you apperceive and love, additionally has its own absolute agreeable that you won’t acquisition anywhere else.

Access to those absolute shows – over 40 of which are either out or in the works at the time of autograph – is the capital acumen to accept Luminary over added podcast players, but to get that admission you will accept to subscribe at a bulk of $7.99/£6.99 per ages (following one chargeless month).

These exclusives are ad-free and in abounding cases arise from big names like Lena Dunham and Trevor Noah, but alike if you’re not up for paying, Luminary could still be anniversary considering.

Stick to the chargeless agreeable and this is basically like any added podcast app, but it’s a able one, with an adorable interface and endless of features, including the adeptness to casting podcasts to speakers, download podcasts for offline listening, get new podcast suggestions based on what you like, change the comedy speed, actuate a beddy-bye timer, and more.

The abandoned complete downside to Luminary at the moment is that while it offers absolute content, the Android app additionally lacks a few big-name shows that you’ll acquisition on added platforms, such as Acknowledgment All and The Daily, so if any of your favorites are missing, you’re best off podcasting elsewhere.


Pocket Casts has affiliated been our podcast amateur of choice, but the Android app is a absolute adapted barbarian today to what it already was, acknowledgment to a aloft amend bringing it to adaptation 7.

It’s an amend that’s mostly for the bigger in our opinion, but not afterwards its critics. Adulation it or abhorrence it though, it’s a big abundant analysis to accreditation highlighting Pocket Casts again. It additionally makes the app anniversary revisiting if you approved it afore but didn’t get on with the old version.

The changes accommodate a accomplished new attending and a abundance of new features, such as up-next syncing, active history, the adeptness to comedy podcasts afterwards subscribing, bigger recommendations, the adeptness to chase for specific episodes, new bash controls, a draggable amateur and a accomplished lot more.

If you’re acclimated to the old adaptation of the app afresh adaptation 7 will booty some accepting acclimated to, but we anniversary best bodies will arise to adulation it.

Free assorted IAP

TaoMix 2 is an ambient babble Android app advised to asphyxiate out the alfresco apple and admonition you relax, beddy-bye or focus.

There are lots of sounds to accept from, such as birds chirping, rain, waves, wind, a fireplace, a thunderstorm and abounding more. But you’re not bound to one complete – you can anatomy a soundscape by selecting several at once.

Each of these sounds appears as a amphitheater on your awning and there’s addition amphitheater which can be fabricated to move about the screen, and which makes anniversary complete added arresting aback it overlaps with them, so the soundscapes adapt over time based on the movements of this circle.

You can save any soundscape you accomplish to calmly acknowledgment to it afterwards and you can set a timer, so the soundscape will automatically about-face off afterwards a set aeon of time. You can alike almanac your own sounds.

The aggregate app is free, but to get the best out of TaoMix 2 you’ll appetite to advance in some of the complete packs to aggregate up the attainable selection. These alpha at £0.69/US$0.99.

Our admired Android apps for demography notes, autograph and alteration abstracts and about alive on the move.

Free $1.99/£1.89 anniversary subscription

Typewise Keyboard aims to reinvent the smartphone keyboard, by opting for hexagonal keys which are 70% above than archetypal smartphone keyboard keys and accordingly easier to hit, abbreviation typos.

Typewise Keyboard additionally has abundant action controls, which can acceleration up accounting decidedly already you get acclimated to them, as can the attendance of not one but two spacebars, or rather, amplitude hexagons.

Other notable actualization accommodate a focus on privacy, as aggregate is stored locally, and an absence of permissions (there’s aloof one adapted in adjustment to accredit vibration).

There’s an autocorrect affection too, and if you don’t get on with the hexagons you can about-face to a added accepted blueprint – although if you’re action to do that afresh there are a lot of able addition keyboards.

Typewise is mostly free, but for $1.99/£1.89 a ages (with discounts if you pay for a year upfront) you can admission abundant themes, forth with beating and assorted added settings and options.

We’re not big on advantageous a cable for a keyboard, but best users allegedly won’t feel the charge and there is additionally a lifetime licence attainable for $24.99/£19.49.

In any case, the chargeless adaptation is absolutely anniversary a try, and anniversary aggressive with for at atomic a few days, as it does accept a acquirements curve, but we were afflicted already we got the adhere of it.

Free assorted IAP

Are you apathetic of application the aforementioned old keyboard? If so, afresh you adeptness appetite to accord Fleksy a try, as it’s admirable and abreast endlessly customizable through dozens of themes.

Of course, the Android app additionally does the absolute job of actuality a keyboard admirably. In our acquaintance you can blazon on it absolutely fast with basal mistakes, and the autocorrect works well. It additionally has anniversary such as GIFs, autography support, action controls, and alike a accomplished ‘Fleksyapps’ section, which lets you admission a cardinal of apps from aural the keyboard.

Say, for example, you’re mid-conversation with a friend, aggravating to adjudge breadth to go for lunch. Usually if you appetite to attending places up, you’d accept to about-face to addition app, but with Fleksy you can aloof admission Yelp from aural the keyboard and accumulate on typing.

You can additionally admission the brand of YouTube and Skyscanner, and we apprehend added apps will be added over time.

For the best allotment Fleksy is free, but assertive capacity bulk ‘Fleksycoins’, which can be acquired through accomplishing things like watching adverts (which are never afflicted on you) and earning badges from your use of the app, or purchased with complete money.

Free assorted IAP

With the afterlife of Inbox by Gmail, there’s a acceptable adventitious you’re adorable for a new email app, and the clunkily-named Email TypeApp adeptness fit the bill.

The Android app is absolutely arranged abounding of features, such as a unified inbox for assorted email accounts, Android Wear support, a customizable look, anniversary color-coding, configurable menus, apprehend receipts, the adeptness to unsend emails, and more.

It additionally has customizable Do Not Disturb canicule and hours – a affection that’s acutely missing from some addition apps.

Email TypeApp is additionally mostly free. A few added actualization such as accelerate afterwards and VIP notifications are chargeable, but you can alleviate aggregate for $6.99/£5.99 and affairs are you’ll be blessed with the chargeless agreeable anyway.

Free assorted IAP

If you accept an Android book with a keyboard you adeptness be because accomplishing some austere writing, and if you’re because that afresh you should absolutely accede application JotterPad.

This isn’t a new app; rather, it’s an old admired of abounding that’s consistently updated, ensuring it charcoal one of the best options for autograph on Android.

The aggregate of the Android app is a distraction-free argument editor, but dig into the airheaded and there are all sorts of accoutrement and options. There’s Markdown abutment for example, a babble count, billow storage, a byword search, a congenital dictionary, a aphotic theme, a balladry dictionary, abundant fonts, and more.

Some of this actuality is hidden abaft IAP, the capital one actuality ‘Pro’, which costs $14.99/£12.99. That adeptness accept steep, but it’s a one-off acquittal and if you’re autograph an article or atypical on JotterPad afresh you should calmly get your money’s worth.

Free $4.99/£4.99 anniversary subscription

Writer Accoutrement is a set of accoutrement for anyone who’s ambience out to address a novel. The app makes this alarming assignment a bit added acquiescent by absolution you actualize characters and locations.

These sections abundance these capacity so they’re consistently readily available, and admonition you beef them out. For example, the actualization architect lets you ample out all sorts of addition capacity such as their greatest abhorrence and best memory.

Writer Accoutrement additionally has a congenital thesaurus, lets you jot bottomward anniversary and notes, actualize timelines, set anniversary autograph goals, and more. You can additionally aback your assignment to the cloud, so you’ll never lose it.

This is all free, but for a anniversary cable you can get rid of adverts, admission all your celebrated backups, add images to your characters and locations, about-face to a night mode, and more. There’s a lot in this Android app, which goes some way to answer the price, but abounding users will be accomplished with the chargeless version.

Free £8.49 (around $11.10) IAP

If you’re adorable for appointment software on Android there are absolutely abandoned a scattering of options, and OfficeSuite is one of the best, acknowledgment abundantly to how feature-packed it is.

You can actualize documents, spreadsheets, presentations or PDFs, and you can alpha from blemish or use one of abundant templates as a jumping off point.

You can allotment abstracts and bulletin contributors from the Android app, save assignment to the cloud, attainable two abstracts and assignment on them both at already in split-screen, casting presentations aloft assorted devices, and a accomplished lot more.

Most of the actualization in OfficeSuite are absolutely free, but if you’re application it a lot it’s allegedly anniversary advance to OfficeSuite Premium, which, amid added things, lets you save files in added formats and unlocks added PDF tools, such as the adeptness to catechumen PDFs to Babble or Excel format, and actualize and use agenda signatures.

Free $6.99/£5.99 anniversary subscription

Microsoft Babble allegedly needs no introduction, but if you do abundant babble processing on your book (or alike your phone) and haven’t approved the Android app afresh you absolutely should.

You about get the abounding version, acceptance you to view, actualize and adapt abstracts of assorted styles, including newsletters, brochures and more.

You can change the font, argument color, margins, add ammo credibility and best added things attainable from the desktop adaptation of Word, via a slick, able interface that’s affably basal best of the time. You can additionally save your abstracts to OneDrive, so they’re attainable from added devices.

Many of the actualization are free, but you’ll charge an Appointment 365 cable (which starts at US$6.99/£5.99 per month) to alleviate the brand of folio and breadth breaks, columns, adapted folio orientations, and the adeptness to clue and assay changes in the Android app.

Free addition subscription

Sometimes you don’t accept time to booty notes. Recording audio can arise in handy, but about agency spending time transcribing it later. Not so with Otter Articulation Notes.

The Android app will automatically transcribe what’s announced application AI, and you can advise it to admit your articulation so it can differentiate amid speakers.

Once the audio is transcribed you can apprehend it and absolute any mistakes manually. The audio is additionally recorded, so you can accept aback to the recording as well.

The absolutely able bit admitting is that Otter will ascertain keywords automatically, so you can chase for a babble and the app will acquisition breadth it appears in any of your recordings. It’s a abundant affection that makes it attainable to acquisition specific information, alike if you’ve recorded hours of audio.

You can additionally actualize groups, acceptance you to allotment recordings with others, and all of your recordings are stored in the billow so you can admission them on any accessory and they won’t booty up amplitude on your phone.

The abandoned two problems we’ve begin so far is that best recordings can booty a while to be transcribed, and the archetype isn’t consistently perfect. It’s usually acceptable abundant that you can acquaint what it agency though, and you can absolute any errors so it’s not a big deal.


There are a cardinal of album apps on Google Comedy and some are free, but if you’re consistently autograph – or adorable words up – on your Android device, afresh Chambers Album is one of the best options, and anniversary the outlay.

It has entries for about 40,000 words, forth with about 400,000 synonyms and antonyms, and they’re browsable alphabetically so you can apprehend through the album if you want, rather than artlessly analytic for a word.

When you do search, you’ll get after-effects as anon as you alpha typing, and not aloof for words that fit the spelling, but additionally analogously spelt words, those that complete similar, and those that are about abashed for one another.

You can additionally bookmark entries and cantankerous advertence with the Chambers Concordance or WordWeb apps (if you accept them), or attending the words up on Wikipedia, Wiktionary or Google, all with a tap from Chambers Thesaurus.

Data is stored locally, so you don’t charge an internet affiliation to use the Android app itself, and there are all sorts of customization options, absolution you change the blush scheme, chantry admeasurement and more.

Our admired Android apps for convalescent productivity, whether through agitation lists, focus timers or added tools.

Free addition anniversary donation

There are lots of agency to admonition the environment, but Klima aims to abridge the accomplished action and ensure you’re active a carbon aloof lifestyle.

It does this by allurement assorted questions about your lifestyle, including your diet, whether you drive, how about and far you fly, and more, and from that it estimates your anniversary carbon footprint. From there it afresh gives you the advantage to armamentarium initiatives that can anniversary it, such as burying trees, or allotment solar adeptness or amusing appulse projects.

You can armamentarium any or all of them, and the Klima app works out a anniversary bulk for you to absolutely anniversary your estimated carbon footprint.

The app will afresh clue how abundant you’re offsetting over time, as able-bodied as anniversary how abounding copse your money has planted, how abounding kWh of solar adeptness you’ve produced, and how your money has had a amusing appulse (at the time of autograph that agency accouterment apple-pie baker stoves).

The app additionally highlights the areas breadth you could abate your carbon brand through your own actions, such as by arcade beneath or action vegan. So whether you absorb or not there are accoutrement actuality to admonition you admonition the environment.


Duet Affectation is an Android app that lets you use your buzz or book as a added awning for your PC or Mac. Artlessly barrage the Duet Affectation Android app as able-bodied as the chargeless Duet desktop app, and the closing will ascertain your buzz or book and about-face it into an added screen.

You can ascendancy your desktop from this added awning application curtains and gestures, alike if your PC or Mac isn’t touchscreen itself, so it potentially gives you a new way to coact with your computer, and at the absolute atomic it gives you added space.

It additionally works afterwards any wires, admitting you can use a USB affiliation if you prefer. It’s not decidedly bargain at $19.99/£19.49, but it does article no added app that we apperceive of can.


Twobird is a new email app but it goes aloft email by additionally alms a amplitude for notes, complete with a simple congenital agitation anniversary affection and the adeptness to calmly actualize tables. You can coact on addendum too, backup them central emails, and leave comments for added participants – best of all, those participants don’t alike charge Twobird.

The email bit is still the focus of Twobird admitting and it does a acceptable job of that too, with a minimalist interface but assorted accoutrement tucked abroad if you charge them, such as the adeptness to set a ‘reminder’ to acknowledge to an email, by accepting it pop aback up in your inbox at a time that apparel you.

So the Android app looks good, works able-bodied and has added actualization than you adeptness apprehend at aboriginal glance. It additionally supports assorted email addresses, admitting it’s bound to Gmail, which is its one capital affair adapted now. If you use Gmail though, and like the abstraction of accepting your emails and addendum all in one place, afresh Twobird is an app anniversary getting.

Free anniversary or anniversary subscription

You allegedly don’t use Yahoo for your email, but that doesn’t beggarly you should avoid the Yahoo Mail app, as it works with added email casework and is impressively powerful.

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Highlights accommodate the adeptness to see every book you’ve anytime accustomed all in a audible place, as able-bodied as actuality able to actualization all the commitment lists you’re subscribed to in one abode – and calmly unsubscribe from any you don’t appetite with a audible tap.

You can additionally actualization receipts, or see mail aloof from bodies (rather than companies and robots), and there are a cardinal of customization options too, so you can for archetype change the affair (for anniversary affiliated email anniversary individually), and adapt what annexation larboard or adapted over a bulletin will do.

The Android app gives you all this free, but for $0.99/£0.89 per ages or $9.99/£8.99 per year you can get rid of adverts.


Microsoft To Do has progressed slowly, but it has accomplished the point now breadth it’s absolutely one of the best list-making Android apps.

It’s now abundant prettier than it already was, for a start, with full-color customizable backgrounds and the array of able all-embracing actualization you’d apprehend from an app by a aggregation as big as Microsoft.

The list-making allotment is acceptable too. You can accumulation lists, adjudge whether completed entries should be hidden or artlessly addled through, and ablaze important tasks, all of which will afresh additionally arise on a abstracted ‘Important’ list.

There’s additionally a ‘My Day’ section, allowance you focus aloof on the tasks that you appetite to get done in the abutting 24 hours.

Within anniversary anniversary you can accept to array by importance, due date, conception date, or alphabetically. You can actualize collaborative lists or allotment a archetype of a list. And if you’re currently application Wunderlist you can acceptation all of your agreeable from that (as Microsoft owns that too).


Expenses: Simple Tracker is a simple, accelerated way to clue expenses. Artlessly tap the ‘Add Expense’ button to add an expense, including the amount, the bill (though you can alone accept a absence currency, so you’ll abandoned accept to change this aback application another), and the date that the bulk occurred – with the accepted date called by default.

You can additionally add addition addendum and tags, the closing of which you actualize yourself. You may appetite to do this to abstracted your costs into adapted categories, such as ‘bills’ and ‘groceries’. You can attach assorted tags to an bulk if it fits into added than one category.

The capital awning of Expenses: Simple Tracker will afresh accord an overview of your expenses. It initially shows your best costs total, with a anniversary of these costs below, sorted by date. However, you can additionally accept aloof to see costs from the accepted day, the anniversary or the month. And you can clarify by tags. So if you abandoned appetite to see what you’ve spent on socializing, you can do that – as affiliated as you tagged the costs in the aboriginal place.

You can’t affix a coffer anniversary to the Android app, which is both a absolution and a curse. It keeps it simple, but agency you accept to manually admission every expense. Still, it’s glossy and it’s chargeless – so downloading the app won’t be article you accept to add to your expenses.

Free $2.99 (around £2.45) anniversary subscription

Checketry is a book and download administrator that lets you accumulate tabs on and administer downloads that are accident on your PC, from your phone.

The Android app can admission downloads from Chrome and Firefox (with the adapted browser plugins installed), administer torrents and alike ascendancy your Steam downloads.

The chargeless adaptation mostly aloof lets you actualization current, queued and accomplished downloads, but advancement for a anniversary or anniversary cable and you can additionally abeyance or abolish downloads and alike admission some conflicting desktop tools, such as the adeptness to shut bottomward your PC from afar.

It’s a abundant apparatus if you anytime leave downloads active on your PC while you’re not at your desk, and is anniversary a download alike if you stick with the chargeless version.


If you use Chrome on your computer afresh with the admonition of Crono you can absolute calmly get all of your smartphone notifications on your desktop, and alike acknowledgment to messages.

Simply install the Android app on your buzz and the Chrome addendum on your computer, afresh browse a QR code, agnate to how you log in to WhatsApp Web, and from there – like WhatsApp Web – your letters will pop up in your browser.

You won’t be bound to WhatsApp messages, admitting – emails, SMS letters and added babble apps are all supported, as is acknowledging to the messages. You can actualization agenda notifications, any timers you accept running, and appealing abundant annihilation abroad accident on your buzz as well.

Crono additionally lets you adios calls from your browser and arena your phone, which is attainable if you’ve confused it. And all of the notifications beatific through Crono action end-to-end encryption, so it’s defended too.

Our admired Android apps for customizing your accessory and convalescent its security.

$0.99 / £0.59

CalenTile is an abundantly simple app that will be absolute advantageous for some people. All it does is actualize a quick settings asphalt that will affectation your abutting agenda event, forth with the time and date it’s appointed for. You can tap on it to actualization the abounding accident text, or to go to the admission in your calendar, but that’s it – that’s the accomplished app.

This about agency that you can see what and aback your abutting agenda admission is from any awning on your buzz – aloof bash bottomward and it will be visible. It’s additionally a attainable addition to a agenda accoutrement for anyone who doesn’t appetite to ataxia up their home screens.

Given that it isn’t chargeless this absolutely won’t be for everyone, but if it sounds advantageous to you afresh there are far worse agency you could absorb $0.99 / £0.59.

$0.99 / £0.59

Shortcut Administrator lets you booty the customization of your home awning to the abutting level, by acceptance you to actualize shortcuts to your apps with names and images of your choice.

Changing the name allegedly isn’t article you’ll appetite to do much, but can be attainable for apps breadth the abounding name isn’t displayed as standard, authoritative it adamantine to acquisition them. And alteration the figure can absolutely be anniversary accomplishing if you’re aggravating to affair your home screens, or aloof don’t like the official figure for an app.

As able-bodied as accomplishing all this for apps, Adjustment Administrator additionally lets you actualize shortcuts to actions, such as a Bluetooth toggle, or to a specific acquaintance or billow accumulator folder. You can adapt the name and angel associated with these too, and afresh add them to your home screen.

Given the low one-off bulk of Adjustment Manager, and how attainable it is to use, we’d say it could be anniversary a download alike if you abandoned plan to use it already or twice.

Monthly and anniversary subscriptions

Clario is an all-in-one aloofness and aegis app to accomplish abiding your web action is kept clandestine and your passwords secure.

The app has six aggregate focuses, three of which accept a specific tab in the app – there’s ‘Identity’, which alerts you if passwords associated with any of your email accounts are breached, as able-bodied as accouterment added admonition on the breach, and in abounding cases links to the armpit to change your password.

Then there’s ‘Browsing’, which lets you actuate a VPN to accumulate your browsing action hidden from your internet provider. You can additionally say what breadth in the apple you appetite your web action to arise to arise from, acceptance you to ameliorate region-locked content, and it has things like anti-malware congenital in.

There’s additionally a ‘Network’ section, which is acclimated to encrypt your abstracts via VPN and makes attainable Wi-Fi networks a lot safer.

They’re the capital tabs in the app itself, but additionally Clario can defended your banking information, by for archetype ecology your acclaim and debit cards for breaches, and it can block awful apps, and assignment to aegis your files.

Clario is additionally attainable on Mac, iOS, and as a browser extension, so the final key anniversary is that you can get this aegis on all your devices, all of which can additionally anniversary from aegis from ransomware and added intrusions.

On top of all that, if you accept any aloofness or aegis issues there’s additionally a readily attainable babble box at the basal of every screen, absolution you allocution to complete animal experts 24/7.

It’s an absorbing service, admitting accepting all these actualization it of advance doesn’t arise free. But there’s a chargeless trial, and you can accept to pay anniversary or yearly. At the time of autograph you can additionally get a ample barrage abatement that you’re bound into for action if you get Clario in the aboriginal month, so it’s anniversary blockage out.

Note that at the time of autograph you additionally accept to actualize an anniversary on Clario’s website to be able to use the app, but we’ve been assured that you’ll be able to actualize an anniversary from the app itself afore long.

15 months for the aggregate of 12 and 30-day money aback guarantee

It’s little admiration that ExpressVPN acme our anniversary of best Android VPN apps – it’s an aberrant adaptation of the desktop acquaintance and boasts some of the best aegis accuracy in the VPN game.

So that agency encrypted tunnels to ensure prying eyes can’t see what you’re up to (even on apart attainable Wi-Fi), an chip annihilate about-face for aback your affiliation drops and absolutely attainable 24/7 abutment for aback you do run into trouble.

You can assurance up to ExpressVPN and get the app by branch to the company’s website.

Free assorted IAPs

Cometin is absolutely abounding Android apps in one, but they’re all focused on tweaking and convalescent your Android experience. What does that mean? Well, Cometin has abundant modules which you can accept to activate, anniversary of which has adapted functionality.

One for archetype gives you added ascendancy over your screen’s auto rotation, absolution you accredit ‘full orientation’, which allows you to amphitheater the awning to 90, 180 or 270 degrees, or to force a specific orientation.

There’s additionally an ‘Ambient Display’ module, which lets you actuate an always-on affectation or beachcomber over your buzz to actualization the time.

There are several added modules aloft those, with added acceptable to be added over time. Best of the agreeable is currently chargeless as well, admitting there a few IAPs, best conspicuously one that lets you actuate added than bristles modules at once.


Don’t let the ‘beta’ in the name put you off – this Android app is anniversary accepting aflame about. Vivaldi Browser Beta is an Android adaptation of the Vivaldi desktop web browser, which is awfully customizable and abounding of anxious features.

The Android adaptation has things like Acceleration Dial, giving you quick admission to your admired sites whenever you attainable a new tab, a congenital in notepad, and the adeptness to about-face chase engines from the chase bar itself, aloof by accounting the aboriginal letter of their name afore your query.

Vivaldi Browser Beta additionally lets you accompany your bookmarks, notes, passwords and added aloft accessories (using end-to-end encryption), use clandestine browsing, add searchable descriptions to bookmarks, screenshot absolute web pages, about-face to a aphotic mode, and more.

If you’re acclimated to Chrome afresh the blueprint adeptness booty a little accepting acclimated to, but this Android app is able-bodied anniversary the effort.


Tor is allegedly the best defended and privacy-focused web browser attainable on desktop, and now you can get Tor Browser for Android.

The app uses multi-layered encryption, with your web cartage relayed and encrypted three times. It additionally blocks trackers, prevents surveillance and resists fingerprinting.

The Android app is, if anything, allegedly abstruse for best people, but the interface – based on Firefox v60 – is adequately slick, so there aren’t too abounding downsides to application it. And as able-bodied as authoritative your online action added secure, Tor can additionally bypass abounding bounded restrictions on websites, so it achieves abounding of the aforementioned things as a VPN. It’s additionally absolutely chargeless to use.

Free $2.49/£1.99 IAP

Phones are accepting bigger, but easily aren’t, which can sometimes affectation a botheration aback it comes to accessing the notification shade, as this about sits all the way at the top of the screen.

With MIUI-ify Notification Adumbration you can move it to the bottom, but this is added than aloof a simple about-face of positions. The app additionally lets you adapt the colors and all-embracing look, the admeasurement and position of the breadth you accept to bash over to accompany it up, and to aces absolutely what shortcuts arise on the shade, amid added things.

It works able-bodied too, and looks acceptable accomplishing it; the name adeptness be clunky, but in convenance MIUI-ify Notification Adumbration is annihilation but.

The aggregate Android app is chargeless but abounding of the customization options crave a one-off $2.49/£1.99 IAP, which should be anniversary it if you plan to use this app.

Free $0.99/£0.69 IAP

While animate wallpapers can be a little harsher on array than their changeless siblings, there’s no abstinent that they about attending great, and Betta Angle Animate Wallpaper is one of the best examples.

This Android app allows a betta angle (aka a Siamese angry fish) to bathe about your home screen, with admirable animations and lots of detail. It’s alike hardly interactive, as you can block the fish’s aisle with a tap or bash on the screen.

That abundant you get for free, but for a $0.99/£0.69 IAP you alleviate the adeptness to change the colors of both the angle and the background, change the fish’s movement path, about-face the bubbles off, and more. We’d say it’s bargain abundant that it’s anniversary the outlay if you like what you see, but either way you can about-face your buzz into an bright agenda angle tank.

Free $1.99/£1.99 IAP

Abstruct is the official wallpaper app of the man abaft the wallpapers acclimated by OnePlus phones, and it includes both those wallpapers and abounding others created by him.

At the time of autograph there are over 300 in all and they’re all attainable in 4K resolution. They’re additionally absolutely gorgeous. As the name suggests, they’re mostly abstract, but they’re breach into galleries that are anniversary audible from one another.

There’s one that shows real-world landscapes fabricated to attending conflicting for example, and addition breadth all the designs are fabricated up of polygons.

Many of these galleries are free, but admission to aggregate in the Android app requires a one-off acquittal of $1.99/£1.99. Advantageous for wallpapers adeptness accept odd aback the internet is arranged abounding of them, but these are acceptable abundant that if you like their actualization it’s anniversary the outlay – this is one of absolute few wallpaper apps that we’ve spent money on.


If there are any Android apps that you appealing abundant animate central afresh App Tiles could be for you, as it makes accessing them alike quicker and easier.

It does this by absolution you add a adjustment to them on your notifications screen, aloof like you allegedly accept shortcuts to assorted settings up there now.

App Tiles lets you accredit up to six such shortcuts for any apps on your phone, so rather than abiding to the home awning to barrage one of them you can do so with a bash and a tap.

This won’t consistently be faster, abnormally if you’re already on the accordant home screen, but it gives you one added way to get into them and is abiding to save time on some occasions. We wouldn’t say this is capital for everyone, but it works altogether in our tests and it’s absolutely free, so it’s able-bodied anniversary blockage out if the abstraction appeals.


Resplash is a wallpaper Android app that uses agreeable from Unsplash – a armpit abounding of chargeless banal photos that you can use for anything.

As it’s application agreeable from such a absolute site, Resplash has a massive library, with over 100,000 images, but it’s still attainable to acquisition specific styles of photo by analytic or browsing by category.

As able-bodied as downloading images or ambience them beeline to your wallpaper, you can additionally admired them, so you’ll consistently be able to acquisition them again, alike from a adapted device. Resplash offers a hasty aggregate of personalization too, absolution you change the affair and the way images are displayed (as a anniversary or a grid, for example).

You can additionally accept the affection of images aback you download them or set them as a wallpaper, with options alignment from ‘thumb’ to ‘raw’. Best of all, it’s absolutely free, admitting if you do feel like acknowledging the makers of the app there is an advantage to donate.


SAFE is an Android app that’s advised to, well, admonition you ensure your buzz is safe. It guards adjoin advance – whether it’s from hackers, bacilli or eavesdropping eyes.

It does this by giving your accessory four scores. One for its configuration, one for connectivity, one for apps and one for the operating system. Anniversary of these array is out of five, with college actuality bigger and suggesting a greater akin of security.

But you get added than aloof a number. You additionally get a breakdown of aggregate that afflicted the score, with positives in blooming and negatives in red. If you tap on any of these you can get added information, complete with admonition in analytic the botheration if it’s a red thing.

Bear in apperception that you adeptness disagree with SAFE as to what is and isn’t a problem. For example, it will banderole accepting Bluetooth or NFC on as aegis issues, which technically they are, but they’re additionally advantageous (and capital in some circumstances). You allegedly won’t appetite to fix everything, but SAFE could end up highlighting some issues you didn’t apperceive about and authoritative your accessory safer in the process.

Free $1.49/£1.19 anniversary subscription

While there are assorted aegis actualization already congenital into Android, you can’t be too careful, so it’s able-bodied anniversary because abacus Malwarebytes Aegis to your Android app arsenal.

Malwarebytes can browse your accessory for viruses, adware and malware, but it additionally offers proactive protection, with real-time ransomware shields, aegis from phishing URLs aback application Chrome, alerts aback there’s a awful articulation in a argument message, and the adeptness to block exceptionable calls.

Malwarebytes can additionally conduct a aloofness analysis on your phone, assuming you at a glance what privileges your apps have.

Most of these actualization are abandoned attainable in the aberrant version, which costs $1.49/£1.19 per ages or $11.99/£10.99 for a year, but you get a 30-day chargeless balloon and if you don’t appetite to pay you can still browse and apple-pie your buzz with the chargeless version.

Our admired Android apps for planning a holiday, blockage the acclimate and accepting about afterwards accepting lost.


The Civic Esplanade Anniversary app is a complete and official adviser to the hundreds of US civic parks. As such it will primarily be of absorption to those planning to appointment a civic esplanade – but there are aspects that could abode to anyone.

The app includes events, maps, self-guided tours, admonition on accommodation, credibility of interest, restrooms, shopping, things to do, company centermost hours, and more.

It additionally has accessibility features, such as audio descriptions of exhibits, and – for those who can’t physically get to a esplanade adapted now – there are additionally links to the assorted webcams that accord you a animate attending at genitalia of the parks.

In all the Civic Esplanade Anniversary app is feature-packed and comprehensive, and it’s additionally chargeless to use. Some aspects of it arguably attending a bit cheaply fabricated – it’s absolutely added anatomic than stylish, but aback it’s as anatomic as this, we’re accept with that.

Free $3.99/£3.99 anniversary subscription

It’s not attainable to get aflame about acclimate apps, and we can’t affirmation that Appy Acclimate changes that, but best of us allegedly do use one or added of them regularly, and Appy Acclimate is able-bodied anniversary consideration.

Once a Windows Buzz app, it’s assuredly fabricated its way to Android, breadth it stands out through an attractive, minimalist and attainable to cantankerous interface that has a attending clashing best added acclimate apps.

Whether you like the actualization will be subjective, but feature-wise it has got aggregate best users need, including forecasts for the accepted day and the abutting seven days, complete with the temperature, what it ‘feels like’, precipitation, billow cover, afterimage and a accomplished lot of added details.

Information is abundantly presented on attainable to apprehend graphs and with large, bright text, and the forecasts arise from Aphotic Sky, which is about authentic in our experience.

A afraid point adeptness be the bulk – the chargeless adaptation abandoned lets you chase for a anticipation bristles times per day. To abolish that limit, get rid of adverts, and alleviate widgets, you’ll charge to subscribe for $3.99/£3.99 per year.

Subscribing to a acclimate app adeptness accept unappealing, but best users allegedly won’t charge to. Afterwards all, how abounding times a day do you absolutely assay the weather? Plus, the app’s columnist does a acceptable job of answer the price, as not abandoned is it a abundant Android app, they explain that the anniversary acclimated to retrieve the acclimate isn’t free, so for the app to be acceptable a cable archetypal is currently necessary.


Whether you’re branch abroad or aloof appetite to get added out of the burghal you animate in, Culture Cruise could help.

Search for a abode or aloof use your accepted breadth and the Android app will serve up a addition of articles, accoutrement things to see and do, and tips and tricks accordant to the location.

Some of these accessories additionally accommodate videos, and Culture Cruise doesn’t stick aloof with the accessible actuality (for example, a chase for New York angry up accessories such as The Enchanting Witches of New York City), but there’s affluence of added accepted agreeable too, like lists of the top 20 architect you charge to see.

You can bookmark things you’re absorbed in and download agreeable so you can admission it offline – ideal if you’re action to be adrift abroad. There are additionally links to book hotels and the like beeline from the app, and with images everywhere and a nice layout, it’s a amusement to use and get aggressive by.

Free $3.99/£3.69 anniversary subscription

Atmosphere Acclimate aims to angle out from the weather-watching army by presenting the anticipation like a 24-hour clock. Anniversary hour of acclimate is presented by a articulation on the alarm face, giving you a bright way to instantly see the hour-by-hour acclimate for the abutting day at a glance.

As able-bodied as seeing accounting temperatures on anniversary hour, there’s additionally color-coding to represent the adapted temperatures and how bright the sky is.

You can alike get agenda contest displayed on the acclimate clock, and abroad from that awning there’s additionally a alarm view, complete with wind speeds and directions.

The alarm is the capital affection admitting and it’s a absolutely advantageous and adapted aberration on acclimate forecasts.

The abandoned downside is that afterwards a two-week chargeless balloon of the Android app, you accept to either put up with ads or pay a subscription, which will bulk you $3.99/£3.69 per year. We’d accept adopted to see a one-off acquittal option, but if you use the app consistently it should be anniversary the outlay.


Fog of Apple is a new, fun booty on mapping apps, as it’s aggressive by the ‘fog of war’ that you get in some video amateur (that actuality fog that obscures areas of a map that you’ve not been to yet) but applies it to the complete world.

The Android app gives you a abundant apple map, but applies fog to it. Clashing best amateur the fog doesn’t absolutely adumbrate the map, it aloof dulls it a bit. Aback you’ve been about the fog is removed, so over time you can see all the places you’ve been on a audible apple map, based on which $.25 don’t accept fog.

To accomplish it added absorbing you can akin up as you accomplish advance and alleviate assorted achievements, such as for visiting a assertive cardinal of countries or bridge the equator. You can additionally accompany your abstracts so it’s attainable on added devices.

Fog of Apple isn’t action to adapt Google Maps for your aeronautics needs, but it’s a fun, beheld way to see breadth you’ve been, accoutrement aggregate from a cruise to the bounded abundance to your assorted holidays.

Free addition $3.99/£3.39 anniversary subscription

After a affiliated assignment on iOS, CARROT Acclimate has assuredly arise to Android, and if you like a dosage of snark with your anticipation it’s anniversary accepting aflame about.

Because as able-bodied as accouterment authentic forecasts powered by Aphotic Sky, CARROT Acclimate is home to an ‘AI’ that blame you and revels in your weather-related misery. This takes the anatomy of added than 6,000 ambit of dialogue, anniversary of which can optionally be announced aloud by its constructed voice.

With admirable illustrations as able-bodied and alike a bold that sees you afterward clues to coursing bottomward abstruse locations, CARROT Acclimate has added personality than any battling app.

The Android app is additionally acceptable for the important bulk of cogent you the forecast, as you can see alternate and circadian forecasts, complete with humidity, UV Index, wind acceleration and more.

The aggregate app is free, but for US$3.99/£3.39 per year (or US$0.99/£0.89 per month) you can alleviate a customizable widget, activated accessory maps, and get rid of adverts.


Moovit isn’t new, but if you anytime use attainable carriage it’s an Android app that’s able-bodied anniversary alive about. Artlessly blazon a destination and Moovit will accord you a addition of agency to get there, application all the attainable carriage routes available.

Tap on a avenue to get abounding admonition or alike a map with animate aeronautics (complete with alerts cogent you aback to get off the carriage you’re on), or added clarify your after-effects to abbreviate walking, use the atomic cardinal of transfers or cut out assertive carriage types entirely.

There are additionally attainable actualization like the adeptness to save approved destinations and admired the bus and alternation ambit you use a lot, so you can bound see their timetables.

Transport timings are real-time breadth available, so you’ll apperceive if the alternation or bus is active late, and you can download assorted maps for offline use. You can additionally use Moovit all over the world, with carriage capacity for new cities consistently added.

All in all, it’s one of the slickest, best feature-packed attainable carriage aeronautics apps you can get.


The botheration with acclimate apps is that, for the best part, they abandoned use one antecedent for their data, but Climendo uses lots, and afresh works out what the best acceptable acclimate at any accustomed time is.

The complete addition of acclimate providers that it uses includes AccuWeather, Acclimate Underground, NOAA, Met Office, Foreca, Aphotic Sky, SMHI, YR and Apple Acclimate Online – admitting abandoned the best authentic ones for your breadth will be used.

You can see alternate or 10-day forecasts, complete with the likelihood of anniversary actuality accurate, or you can dig bottomward to the alone forecasts from anniversary acclimate provider, to see how they vary.

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Climendo lacks some of the added abundant admonition begin in added Android apps – such as clamminess and UV basis –  but if you aloof appetite authentic admonition on whether or not you charge an awning afresh this app is up there with the best.

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