PROJECT The (Name of Govemment) is soliciting proposals from qualified (Insert Type
DESCRIPTION AND of Professional — Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Land Surveyors SCOPE OF WORK and Construction Management) firms for assistance in the following:
(Insert a short project description including project type. estimated size and location (if known) and desired co imletion date. as well as the local povemments general goals for the facility or infrastructure’s performance.)
Professional services required are likely to include (Insert description of applicable services — for e xa mole, feasibility an a Iv s is, grant preparation, pan ic Oat ion in public meet ings. surveying. Programming, schematic design. cost estimation, construction drawings.project oversight.)
Optional: Funding sources for this project may include (Insert funding sources). The successful firm will be required to comply with (Insert requirements such as insurance or bonding. environmental regulations, firm’s public nag icipation responsibilities, local government’s affirmative action policies. etc.). The (local Government) anticipates a total project cost of (Insert project cost, if known.)
The proposal must be organized in sections containing the following information:
> Description of’ Hrm. Describe your firm’s legal structure, areas of evert ise, length of time in business, number of employees, and other information that would help to characterize the firm. Provide the address of the main office (for legal purposes and the address of the office that will manage the project.
> Experience. Briefly describe other projects executed by your firm that demonstrate relevant experience. However, extensive descriptions of vaguely related projects are discouraged. Also list all public sector clients for whom you have performed similar work in the past five years. For each project mentioned, include the name, address
and phone number of a person who can be contacted regarding your performance on the project. When submitting projects for which your firm worked in an auxiliary capacity or in a joint venture or partnership, include the name of the lead firm.
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> Personnel. Provide a professional resume for the key people proposed to be assigned to the project (including any important sub-consultants), and describe relevant related experience. Describe key personnel’s proposed roles and responsibilities on this project. Submittals must identify a proposed project manager who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of project tasks and would be the primary point of contact with your firm An organization chart of the project team may be appropriate.
> Project Approach. Describe the tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project. Provide a narrative description of how the firm proposes to execute the tasks. If Applicable, discuss any unique aspects of the project, alternative approaches the (Local Government) might wish to consider or special considerations related to programmatic/funding requirements. Your firm should rely on its