End Of Day Cash Register Report Template

By | March 16, 2020

Wärtsilä Corporation, Stock barter release, 28 January 2022 at 08:35 AM UTC 2

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Notice to assemble the Anniversary Accepted Affair of Wärtsilä Corporation

Notice is accustomed to the shareholders of Wärtsilä Corporation of the Anniversary Accepted Affair to be captivated on Thursday 3 March 2022 at 3 p.m. EET at the Company’s abode at the abode Hiililaiturinkuja 2, 00180 Helsinki, Finland. It is not accessible to participate in the affair in being at the affair venue. The shareholders of the Aggregation may participate in the affair and exercise their actor rights alone by voting in beforehand and by presenting counterproposals and allurement questions in advance. Instructions for shareholders are presented in this apprehension beneath area C. Instructions for the participants in the accepted meeting.

The affair will be captivated on the base of the alleged acting act 375/2021 that entered into force on 8 May 2021. The Aggregation has bound to booty accomplishments enabled by the acting act in adjustment to authority the affair in a anticipated manner, demography into anniversary the bloom and assurance of the Company’s shareholders, cadre and added stakeholders.

It will be accessible for the shareholders who accept registered for the affair to chase the affair via a video beck and affectation questions or comments via a “chat” action during the meeting. Afterward the affair via the video beck or assuming questions or comments via the “chat” action does not beggarly official accord in the accepted affair or exercise of the shareholders’ appropriate to allege and vote at the accepted meeting. Accordingly, questions airish via the “chat” action are not questions referred to in Chapter 5, Area 25 of the Finnish Bound Accountability Companies Act, which charge be delivered in beforehand as declared below. Afterwards the accepted meeting, the alive will abide in the anatomy of a abstracted Q&A affair during which the questions and comments aloft via the “chat” action will be discussed by the Aggregation representatives. This Q&A affair will be bound to one hour’s time and it is not allotment of the accepted meeting.

A. Affairs on the calendar of the accepted meeting

At the accepted meeting, the afterward affairs will be considered:

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Calling the affair to order

– Attorney at Law Juha Väyrynen shall act as the Chair of the meeting. If due to beefy affidavit Juha Väyrynen is not able to act as the Chair, the Board shall accredit accession being it deems best acceptable to act as the Chair. The Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations and Legal Affairs Kari Hietanen shall act as the secretary of the meeting. In case Kari Hietanen is not able to act as the secretary, the Chair shall allure accession being to act as the secretary of the meeting.

3. Acclamation of the being to analyze the annual and to administer the counting of votes

– The being to analyze the annual and to administer the counting of votes shall be Attorney at Law Teresa Kauppila. In case Teresa Kauppila is not able to act as the being to analyze the annual and to administer the counting of votes, the Board of Directors shall name accession being it deems best acceptable to act in that role.

4. Recording the amends of the meeting

5. Recording the appearance at the affair and acceptance of the annual of votes

– Shareholders who accept voted in beforehand aural the beforehand voting aeon and accept the appropriate to appear the accepted affair beneath Chapter 5, Area 6 and Chapter 5, Area 6a of the Finnish Bound Accountability Companies Act shall be accounted shareholders represented at the meeting. The annual of votes will be adopted based on advice provided by Innovatics Ltd.

6. Presentation of the anniversary accounts, the abode of the Board of Directors and the auditor’s abode for the year 2021

– As accord in the accepted affair is accessible alone in advance, the anniversary accounts, including the abode of the Board of Directors and the auditor’s report, which are to be appear by the Aggregation latest on 10 February 2022 and which are accessible on the Company`s website at www.wartsila.com/annualreport latest at that time shall be accounted to accept been presented to the accepted meeting.

7. Acceptance of the anniversary accounts

8. Resolution on the use of the accumulation apparent on the antithesis area and the acquittal of dividend

– The Board of Directors proposes to the accepted affair that a allotment of EUR 0.24 per allotment shall be paid for the cyberbanking year 2021. The allotment shall be paid in two instalments.

– The aboriginal instalment of EUR 0.12 per allotment shall be paid to the shareholders who are registered in the annual of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy on the allotment almanac day of 7 March 2022. The acquittal day proposed by the Board for this instalment is 14 March 2022.

– The additional instalment of EUR 0.12 per allotment shall be paid in October 2022. The additional instalment of the allotment shall be paid to shareholders who are registered in the annual of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy on the allotment almanac day, which, calm with the acquittal day, shall be absitively by the Board of Directors in its affair appointed for 27 September 2022. The allotment almanac day for the additional instalment as per the accepted rules of the Finnish book-entry arrangement would be 29 September 2022 and the allotment acquittal day 6 October 2022.

9. Resolution on the acquittal of the associates of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability

10. Advising administration of the revised Accomplishment Action for Administering Bodies

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– The Accomplishment Action for Administering Bodies was accustomed by the Anniversary Accepted Affair on 4 March 2021. The Board of Directors proposes some changes to the action for the advising administration by the accepted meeting. The adapted action is absorbed to this apprehension and is accessible on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm. As accord in the accepted affair is accessible alone in advance, the Accomplishment Action for Administering Bodies is accounted to accept been presented to the accepted affair for advising handling.

11. Advising administration of the Accomplishment Abode 2021 for Administering Bodies

– The Accomplishment Abode 2021 for administering bodies has been absorbed to this apprehension and is accessible additionally on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm. As accord in the accepted affair is accessible alone in advance, the Accomplishment Abode 2021 for the Administering Bodies is accounted to accept been presented to the accepted affair for advising handling.

12. Resolution on the accomplishment of the associates of the Board of Directors

– The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that the anniversary accomplishment payable as able-bodied as the anchored fees for the board appointment payable to the associates of the Board shall be as follows:

– The anniversary accomplishment payable to the associates of the Board shall be EUR 200,000 for the Chair, EUR 105,000 for the Deputy Chair and EUR 80,000 for the accustomed members. In addition, the Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that anniversary affiliate will be paid EUR 750 per Board affair attended. The Chair’s affair fee shall be bifold this amount.

– The Shareholders’ Nomination Board added proposes that the Chair of the Analysis Board will accept a anchored fee of EUR 25,000 and anniversary affiliate of the Board a anchored fee of EUR 10,000 for the appellation and the Chair of the People Board a anchored fee of EUR 10,000 and anniversary affiliate of the Board a anchored fee of EUR 5,000 for the term.

– Approximately 40% of the anniversary Board accomplishment is proposed to be paid in Wärtsilä shares, and the blow in cash. The Aggregation will atone the transaction costs and costs accompanying to the applicative asset alteration tax arising from the allotment purchases. The tax answer for the absolute anniversary fee will be fabricated from the banknote amount. The affair appearance fees and anchored fees for the Board appointment will be paid in cash. Accessible biking costs will be reimbursed according to the biking action of the Company.

13. Resolution on the cardinal of associates of the Board of Directors

– The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes to the accepted affair that the cardinal of the Board associates be eight.

14. Acclamation of associates of the Board of Directors

– Maarit Aarni-Sirviö has abreast that she is not accessible for the re-election of the associates of the Board.

– Shareholders’ Nomination Board bound to adduce to the anniversary accepted affair that Karen Bomba, Karin Falk, Johan Forssell, Tom Johnstone, Risto Murto, Mats Rahmström and Tiina Tuomela be re-elected as associates of the Board. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes as new affiliate of the Board Morten H. Engelstoft.

– The above-mentioned bodies accept accustomed their accord to the election. Also, the above-mentioned bodies accept brought to the absorption of the Aggregation that, if they become selected, they will baddest Tom Johnstone as Chair and Risto Murto as Deputy Chair of the Board.

15. Resolution on the accomplishment of the auditor

– The Analysis Board of the Board proposes that the accountant be reimbursed according to the auditor’s balance accustomed by the Company.

16. Acclamation of auditor

– The Analysis Board of the Board proposes that the analysis abutting PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be adopted as the accountant of the Aggregation for the appellation catastrophe at the end of the abutting anniversary accepted meeting. The auditor’s appointment additionally includes giving the auditor’s annual on the acquittal of the associates of the Board of Directors and the CEO from accountability and on the angle of the Board of Directors for administration of profit.

17. Authorisation to repurchase the Company’s own shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Anniversary Accepted Affair authorises the Board of Directors to boldness to repurchase the Company’s own shares in one or added instalments on the afterward conditions:

– The Board of Directors is authorised to boldness to repurchase a best of 57,000,000 shares in the Company, which, as at the date of this apprehension to the Anniversary Accepted Meeting, represents 9.63% of all the shares in the Company.

– Own shares may be repurchased by application the Company’s complete shareholders’ equity, which agency that any repurchases will abate funds accessible for administration of profits. The shares may be repurchased through accessible trading at the prevailing bazaar amount on the date of such repurchase as formed in accessible trading organised by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

– The shares may be repurchased in adjustment to beforehand the basic anatomy of the Company, to be transferred for costs or accustomed out acquisitions or added arrangements, to be acclimated as allotment of the Company’s allurement schemes, or to be contrarily transferred further, to be captivated with the Aggregation or to be cancelled.

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– The Board of Directors shall adjudge aloft all added agreement and altitude for the repurchase of the Company’s own shares. Shares may be repurchased additionally contrarily than in admeasurement to the shareholders’ captivation in the Aggregation by way of a directed repurchase, if there is a beefy cyberbanking acumen for the Aggregation to do so.

– The authorisation to repurchase the Company’s own shares shall be accurate until the abutting of the abutting Anniversary Accepted Meeting, about no best than for 18 months from the accommodation by the Anniversary Accepted Meeting.

18. Authorisation to affair shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Anniversary Accepted Affair authorises the Board of Directors to boldness to affair shares in the Aggregation as follows:

– The Board may affair either new shares or alteration own shares captivated by the Aggregation (share issue).

– The best cardinal of shares to be so issued shall not beat 57,000,000, which represents 9.63% of all the shares in the Company.

– The shares can be issued for application or afterwards consideration. They can additionally be issued in aberration from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights by way of a directed affair if there is a beefy cyberbanking acumen for the Aggregation to do so. A directed affair may be absitively aloft to beforehand the basic anatomy of the Aggregation or to accounts or backpack out acquisitions or added arrangements. Additionally, the authorisation can additionally be acclimated as allotment of the Company’s allurement schemes for up to 10,000,000 shares, which represents 1.69% of all the shares in the Company.

– The authorisation includes the appropriate for the Board of Directors to boldness aloft all added agreement and altitude for the arising of shares.

– The authorisation for the Board of Directors to affair shares shall be accurate for 18 months from the accommodation by the Anniversary Accepted Meeting. However, the authorisation apropos allurement schemes shall be accurate for bristles years from the decision.

This authorisation revokes the authorisation accustomed by the Anniversary Accepted Affair on 4 March 2021.

19. Closing of the meeting

B. Abstracts of the accepted meeting

The revised Accomplishment Action for Administering Bodies of Wärtsilä and the Accomplishment Abode 2021 for Administering Bodies are absorbed to this notice. They are additionally accessible on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm, calm with the proposals for the decisions on the affairs on the calendar of the accepted affair and this notice. The anniversary abode of Wärtsilä Corporation, including the Company’s anniversary accounts, the abode of the Board of Directors and the auditor’s report, is accessible on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/annualreport no afterwards than 10 February 2022. Copies of the anniversary accounts and of the added abstracts mentioned aloft will be beatific to shareholders aloft request. The annual of the affair will be accessible on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm as of 17 March 2022 at the latest.

C. Instructions for the participants in the accepted meeting

Shareholders and their proxy assembly may participate in the accepted affair and exercise actor rights alone in beforehand in the abode declared below.

1. Shareholders registered in the shareholders’ register

Each actor who is registered on 21 February 2022 in the shareholders’ annals of the Aggregation captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy has the appropriate to participate in the accepted meeting. A actor whose shares are registered on his/her claimed Finnish book-entry anniversary is registered in the shareholders’ annals of the Company. A actor can participate in the affair alone by voting in beforehand in the abode declared beneath and by presenting counterproposals and allurement questions in advance.

2. Allotment and beforehand voting

Registration for the affair and beforehand voting will activate on 15 February 2022 at 10 a.m. EET back the borderline for appointment counterproposals accountable for voting has passed. A shareholder, who is registered in the shareholders’ annals of the Aggregation and who wants to participate in the accepted affair charge annals for the affair and vote in beforehand by 25 February 2022 at 4 p.m. EET by which time the allotment shall be completed and votes charge to be received.

A shareholder, who has a claimed Finnish book-entry account, can annals and vote in beforehand on assertive items on the calendar of the accepted affair from 10 a.m. EET on 15 February 2022 until 4 p.m. EET on 25 February 2022 by the afterward means:

a) through the Company’s website: www.wartsila.com/agm_register

Please calendar that the able cyberbanking identification for the allotment and voting in beforehand requires the use of Finnish or Swedish online cyberbanking accreditation or adaptable affidavit and the actor needs to accommodate his/her claimed character cipher or business ID, e-mail abode and/or blast number.

b) by approved mail or e-mail

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A actor may accelerate the beforehand voting anatomy accessible on the Company’s website on 15 February 2022 at 10 a.m. EET to Innovatics Ltd by mail to Innovatics Ltd, Yhtiökokous/Wärtsilä, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A, 00520 Helsinki, Finland or by e-mail to [email protected] ([email protected][email protected]).If the actor participates in the affair by sending the votes in beforehand by mail or email to Innovatics Ltd so that they are accustomed afore the end of the allotment and beforehand voting period, this constitutes allotment for the accepted meeting, provided that the actor advice appropriate for allotment is provided.

Instructions apropos to the beforehand voting may additionally be begin on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm afore beforehand voting begins. Additional advice is additionally accessible during the allotment aeon by buzz 358 10 2818 909 from Monday to Friday at 9 a.m. – 12 apex and 1 – 4 p.m. EET.

In affiliation with the registration, a actor is requested to accord his/her name, claimed identification cardinal or business ID, address, blast cardinal and the name and identification cardinal of a accessible proxy representative. The claimed advice calm will alone be acclimated in affiliation with the accepted meeting, the Q&A affair afterward the affair and registrations accompanying to them.

3. Proxy adumbrative and admiral of attorney

A actor may participate in the accepted affair and exercise his/her rights at the affair by way of proxy representation. The proxy adumbrative is additionally appropriate to vote in beforehand in the abode instructed in this notice.

A proxy adumbrative shall present a anachronous proxy certificate or contrarily in a reliable abode authenticate his/her appropriate to represent the actor at the accepted meeting. Back a actor participates in the accepted affair by agency of several proxy assembly apery the actor with shares at altered balance accounts, the shares by which anniversary proxy adumbrative represents the actor shall be articular in affiliation with the allotment for the accepted meeting.

Proxy and voting apprenticeship templates are accessible on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm on 15 February 2022 at 10 a.m. EET at the latest. The proxy abstracts shall be delivered by e-mail to [email protected] mailed or delivered as originals to Innovatics Ltd, Yhtiökokous/Wärtsilä, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A, 00520 Helsinki, Finland afore the end of the beforehand voting period. Appointment a proxy afore the end of the allotment and beforehand voting aeon constitutes allotment for the accepted affair provided that the actor advice appropriate for allotment is provided.

4. Holders of appointee registered shares

A holder of appointee registered shares has the appropriate to participate in the accepted affair by advantage of such shares, based on which he/she on the almanac day of the accepted meeting, i.e. 21 February 2022, would be advantaged to be registered in the shareholders’ annals of the Aggregation captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy. The appropriate to participate in the accepted affair requires, in addition, that the actor on the base of such shares has been registered into the acting shareholders’ annals captivated by Euroclear Finland Oy by 28 February 2022 at 10 a.m. EET. With commendations to appointee registered shares, this constitutes due allotment for the accepted meeting. Changes in shareholding afterwards the almanac date do not affect the appropriate to participate in the affair or the cardinal of voting rights captivated in the meeting.

A holder of appointee registered shares is brash to appeal afterwards adjournment all-important instructions apropos the allotment in the acting shareholders’ annals of the Company, the arising of proxy documents, and allotment for the accepted affair from his/her babysitter bank. The anniversary administration organisation of the babysitter coffer will annals a holder of appointee registered shares who wants to participate in the accepted affair into the acting shareholders’ annals of the Aggregation by the time declared above. The anniversary administration organisation of the babysitter coffer is requested to vote in beforehand on account of the holder of the appointee registered shares aural the allotment aeon applicative to appointee registered shares.

5. Added instructions and information

Shareholders who authority at atomic one per cent of all the Company’s shares are advantaged to accomplish counterproposals accountable for voting to the calendar items of the accepted meeting. Such counterproposals shall be delivered to the Aggregation by e-mail to [email protected] afterwards than 14 February 2022 at 2 p.m. EET. The actor appointment the counterproposal shall present acceptable affirmation on his/her shareholding back carrying the counterproposal. The counterproposal shall be handled at the accepted affair if the actor is advantaged to appear the accepted affair and if the actor holds at atomic one per cent of all the Company’s shares on the almanac date of the accepted meeting. In case a counterproposal is not taken to be handled in the accepted meeting, the votes accustomed for the counterproposal shall be disregarded. The Aggregation shall acknowledge accessible counterproposals accountable to voting on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm on 15 February 2022 at 10 a.m. EET at the latest.

A actor has the appropriate to ask questions pursuant to Chapter 5, Area 25 of the Finnish Bound Accountability Companies Act on capacity to be advised by the accepted affair by carrying such questions either by e-mail to [email protected] by mail to Wärtsilä Corporation, Allotment Register, P.O. Box 1834, 00080 Wärtsilä, Finland until 18 February 2022 at 2 p.m. EET by which time the questions charge accept been received. Such questions from shareholders and the management’s answers to them shall be accessible on the Company’s website at www.wartsila.com/agm on 23 February 2022 at 4 p.m. EET at the latest. The actor allurement a catechism shall present acceptable affirmation on his/her shareholding back carrying the question.

As of the date of this notice, the absolute cardinal of shares in Wärtsilä Corporation is 591,723,390. The aggregation holds 1,700,000 treasury shares. Pursuant to the Bound Accountability Companies Act, treasury shares do not baptize to accord in the Accepted Meeting. Anniversary allotment contrarily entitles its holder to one vote.

Helsinki, 27 January 2022


Board of Directors

Appendix 1: Accomplishment Action for Administering Bodies of Wärtsilä

Appendix 2: Accomplishment Abode 2021




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That is, it very ignores the existing attached template and attaches to a closer template. This cannot be reset using the Document Template or Templates and Add-Ins dialog. Note that later you have a template of the similar state in the thesame cd as the document, Word will not attach to a template when the similar make known in a swing folder. Templates that are in subfolders of the addict Templates record or the Workgroup Templates cd complete not have this feature of mandatory attachment. For that matter, neither reach templates in a subfolder of the record containing the document.

If there are form documents used throughout an office, department, household, or business, they are best stored as Workgroup Templates. Generally the workgroup templates are prepackaged templates for use by more than one user, often company-wide. They can be used by an individual to distinguish proceed templates from personal templates or ended templates from progress templates. You can fine-tune the location of your addict and/or workgroup templates folders but fake in view of that changes it for all Office programs, not just Word. Here are some examples of images from End Of Day Cash Register Report Template that you can get. If you desire to download it, just click the subsequent to image then save. You can in adjunct to transfer it to word or pdf and after that print your downloaded results. If you are looking for End Of Day Cash Register Report Template, you’ve arrive to the right place. We have some images more or less End Of Day Cash Register Report Template including images, pictures, photos, wallpapers, and more. In these page, we as a consequence have variety of images available. Such as png, jpg, vivacious gifs, pic art, logo, black and white, transparent, etc.

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